No time to learn

Last Update: May 29, 2010

Getting started has been hard to do.  In the last two weeks since I signed up for WA- we have had a funeral for my brother-in-law and my husband left for a job as a captain cleaning up the oil in the Gulf of Mexico.  Needless to say things have been choatic and busy!  That being said it is time to recommit to my goal of learning IM so that I can be financial free. Financial freedom here I come!

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iFaith Premium
A lovely name Sia Rose, good to have you here. Financial freedom - a beacon for us all - to re commit and get to work and make IM a success. Blessings!
Garage667 Premium
Sorry for your loss..IM is having the ability to work at your own pace..It depends how quickly you want to move on,how committed you are to all this, how much you want to succeed...Every single one of us has not always the time to learn new stuff or so.But try!And after learning,put all the things you ve learned in action
ana_nimoss Premium
One day at a time. One hour at a time. My goal. Baby steps for me...