About Simoncowan
Joined June 2010
Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Simon Cowan born and lived in Scotland most my life until 2007 when I moved with my wife and daughter to Guadalajara in Mexico. Now why the huge move to a country where I hardly spoke any Spanish? Simple reason - My wife is from Guadalajara and I have a small family which lived far away (I was living near London, England before the move) and we wanted to bring up our now 2 children with close family connections. This is something you have living in Mexico as family links are stronger and families are generally larger (my wife’s immediate family is around 100!). Ohh and the weather is generally better to use our swimming pool!

This posed an interesting problem as I felt my lack of Spanish would hinder me from gaining full employment. Now what I've not told you is previous to this move I was working in the Internet marketing and consultancy sector for around 7 years and therefore felt that starting my own company would be the way forward. To cut a long story short, I now earn over $10,000 every month via my own Internet Marketing Agency & Consulting business - TrafficSource UK Ltd and I now employ 3 people to help serve the growing number of clients we run internet marketing campaigns for. We do everything from email marketing, PPC to running their internal affiliate marketing sales channels with management of tens of thousands of affiliates.

So why did I join WA and telling you this story? If you need anything answered about Internet Marketing, I will no doubt be able to answer it or point you in the right direction. I will also be offering WA members that sign up via my links additional training and help at no further charge. Now why did I join? I wanted to join a programme which I could recommend to the affiliate community so affiliates no matter what level of internet training they have had in the past, can pick up the training within Wealthy Affiliate and improve their commission cheques every month and therefore improve their lives for themselves and their families.

So that’s me in a nutshell, You'll find I'm a straight shooter with no hype - I just get it done! Do let me know if you have any questions, sent me a private message is best. My door is always open. To your continued success!
Simoncowan's Accomplishments

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jatdebeaune Premium
Simon, Your background is so interesting. Great to have you here as a fellow member. Would love to chat from time to time. Is it OK if I add you to my buddies?
jatdebeaune Premium
Haha. Thank you.
simoncowan Premium
sure, I've added u to mine!
simoncowan Premium
Do check out my new blog post "How to Attract Enough Visitors to Your Website to Earn a Living From It"
simoncowan Premium
Do check out my new blog post "How to Attract Enough Visitors to Your Website to Earn a Living From It" - https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_spaces_profile/index/pid/tab/blog/blog_id/8909
simoncowan Premium
Just added my profile to WA, hats off to WA for such an easy system!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family