Newbies guide to stop being taken advantage of

Last Update: August 14, 2010

Newbies come to WA hoping to get training from The two guys that started it all. Then when you start to ask questions, everybody seems so helpful right?

Well it may seem like everyone realy wants to help.  But most have a alterior motive -  To get you to click their affiliate link so they make money.  Even the newbies are realizing the money is in the newbies.  They start writing how to stuff with guess what -  There affiliate link in it.   Even when they haven't made a sale themselves.

How many aweber links have you gotten so far?  What are they the only email marketing company out there?

Sorry to sound sour but I'm sick of everyone trying to make money off the newbies.





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cherold598 Premium
Definitely! I've only been here a month and noticed the same things about affiliate links. It's a real turn off. I'm writing about WA on my blog, but I'm being honest and posting the negative aspects such as one of the of the dislikes about WA is all the spam.

I also didn't like being asked to promote WA to family and friends so soon in to the Action Plan (like the first lesson). Why would I recommend something to people I know before I find out it's credible and works?
reefswimmer Premium
In my several months as a newbie so far in WA, a whole bunch of people have been so helpful to me. And I have learned so much from them.
But thinking about it, I guess I rarely click on links from within the Forum. especially ones that lead to a website belonging to the commenter.
so your experience will reinforce that practice of mine.
Big thx for sharing what you did, and here's a buddy request and gold.
Diane, reefswimmer
jatdebeaune Premium
Absolutely, don't know who to trust. Right on!
magistudio Premium
Hey Steve - if you ever find a training resource with an affiliate link within it, please let us know because it's not allowed and will be remove for violation of terms.
DABK Premium
The problem is not that everyone wants to sell you something. When you go to your city's downtown, you're bombarded with 'buy me, buy me' signs. The problem is if they don't tell you.

And even if they do, you don't know who to trust.