About Skeeter01
Joined September 2009
I am fairly new at Internet marketing. Tried an MLM and lost. I would really appreciate all the help I can get to make this work. For some reason I am really slow at learning but once I get it I can really get going. This looks like a very informative program and a lot of possibilities available. I love to Bass fish and spend time outdoors.
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amazing1 Premium
Hello! I want to wish you all a very good end of the year and if you celebrate it a fine holiday season. Good Cheers! Brian
Skeeter01 Premium
Thanks Brian and the samr to you, Steve
JessicaL86 Premium
Hi there! Welcome to WA. =)
JessicaL86 Premium
Hey - thank you =)
Skeeter01 Premium
Thanks, I,ve been reading some of your stuff, Very interesting.
fab75 Premium
Welcome to WA. This is really a good place to learn about internet marketing.
Clheer Premium
Hello Skeeter :) Welcome to WA. Its nice to have people on the same page through the same journey. I hope we can help each other out and be successful. Good Luck.
thesue Premium
Welcome to WA! How are things going for you?
thesue Premium
Take it slowly, work on one thing at a time, be methodical when possible. When your brain turns to mush, or your eyes roll back with overload, stop for the day! You will be dreaming this stuff soon!
thesue Premium
By asking questions on the forum you will gradually find a group of three or four people who adopt you-- I call them my young dudes-- they are ready and willing to help with all the little details.
they really do believe in paying it forward around here. One day you will offer the same help to someone new! I depend on my dudes totally!
Skeeter01 Premium
Hi There. Thanks for asking. It is slow with a lot to take in. I am fairly new at this and hope I can figure it out soon. Sounds like we have a lot of help available.
Skeeter01 Premium
Thanks, I appreciate the feedback.
Skeeter01 Premium
Hook me up with your young dudes, thanks.