About Smiling_sharky
Joined September 2009
My name is Emil. I live in Florida with my family. I'm a newbie in IM. I hope you guys can help me succeed in IM. Want to make new friends too.
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smiling_sharky Premium
been through a busy week and i have to start again.
babyboomer20 Premium
Hi Emil,
Just stopped by to welcome you aboard!! Glad to see you here...you are going to love the WA Community! If you need any support, please feel free to contact me :-) Wishing you all the success in your LEARNING to EARN!!
babyboomer20 Premium
Your welcome Emil, and thank you for your kind words about my family. So glad that you are enjoying WA ....wishing you big success! Marty
smiling_sharky Premium
Thanks Marty, i sure am enjoying WA community. You got an awesome family. I sure need a lot of support from you guys because i dont know much about IM. Thanks again.
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey Emil: How are you man? I'm from Florida too. I love this weather (No hurricanes please).
Did you start your 8 week action plan? Any question let me know, OK?
Welcome to WA!
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Thanks for your response Emil.
You shouldn't have mayor problems or questions through the program because it takes you step by step and is easy to follow.
Keep in touch.
smiling_sharky Premium
I'm good Rodrigo. No hurricane, yahoo!!!!!! I started my 8 week plan. i think i can finish the first week early. Im sure need a lot of guidance from you guys since im newbie. Thanks a lot and i let you know if im stuck.