Day 1 (Part 2) - The Birth of

Last Update: January 11, 2012

When I started the week I felt like I was lost with no clue as to which path to follow. I guess that a few bad nights sleep can do that to a person. Luckily when I woke up this morning I had managed to get back in touch with the motivation that I had feared was gone for good. 

While I had started the new year with the decision to start building, a conversation I had with Carson on Friday changed all that.  Before I knew it one website turned into 2, and I found myself spending the rest of the day opening a second Etsy shop that I never thought I needed. While I found myself somewhat overwhelmed with the additional tasks that had been added to my plate, everything Carson pointed out made perfect sense and I knew I had to make the changes now before I put all my hard work into a site that would most likely deliver mediocre results.

In no time I found myself the owner of a brand new shop as well as yet another domain name courtesy of Go Daddy.  While I did a bit of promotion of my new shop around Etsy, my weekend was spent running a plethora of errands, leaving me with little to no effort to do much of anything related to my website and it was most likely this exhaustion that prevented me from having the energy and drive needed to start working on  my new project. 

Now that I find myself back on track, I was able to successfully tackle day 1, yet again, for my new site. The DNS settings have been updated and I now find myself with some time left to tackle a few of the other tasks that have been vying for my attention in the past few days. Cause if I've learned anything in the past few days, letting myself get overwhelmed is a surefire way to make sure nothing gets done.

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WriterGig Premium
Best wishes for success with your new site!!