About WriterGig
Joined June 2010
My husband and my four children are my inspiration to work hard and to do well with Wealthy Affiliate.

Update, January 2012:
I'm excited for a new year in online writing and internet marketing. My plans are to focus on quality content in a few tight niches and to build my income each month.

Update, October 2011:

I sold the bulk of my online articles at eHow.com to Demand Media and accepted a generous one-time payout. This was great for building a nest egg, but brought down my residual income quite a bit.

While my residuals now are about $1,500 a month, I'm focusing on two websites to bring those numbers back up to the $5k range. Keep an eye on my blog posts to see my progress!

Update, February 2011:

I met my goal of earning $5,000 per month in November 2010 and December 2010. Now in 2011, my goal is to increase my income every month through affiliate marketing on my niche sites.

From June 2010:

A freelance writer turned internet marketer, I've built a decent residual income online through articles, websites, Adsense and affiliate marketing. While I'm not new to internet marketing, I'd like to be more successful at it.

I made my first affiliate sale, a book on Amazon.com, in December 2007, earning $1.32 for the transaction. That dollar and change let me know that it was possible to make money as an internet marketer, and I have since then earned as much as $400 in one day through affiliate sales. However, $100+ days from affiliate commissions are still a rarity for me. I joined Wealthy Affiliate at the recommendation of PotPieGirl and hope to reach my full-time passive income goal this year (2010).

I hope to help others reach their goals along the way by sharing what I've learned.
WriterGig's Accomplishments

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Togrul Premium
Welcome onboard:)
babyboomer20 Premium
Just stopped by to welcome you aboard!! Glad to see you here. Congratulations on taking this step to "Owning Your Life". Wishing you all the Success in your LEARNING to EARN!! Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? I'd like to be your friend... Please feel free to add me. Marty : )
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
JaredB Premium
Welcome to WA. Best of luck to you!
OMB-Brian Premium
Welcome to WA... I see another "PotPieGirl" in making ; )