Watch Your Cholestrol

Last Update: July 18, 2012

Cholesterol be sure to know your numbers.

This experience scared me into a change that saved my life, a year ago I was in a dollar store, not too far from where I live in Villa Park, when suddenly my heart started racing like I had been running down the block non stop, it scared me so bad until I forgot to pay for my product and was about to run out the store when it hit me to pay for it... I did manage to get into my car in the parking lot, but couldn't make it home, so I called my doctors office and explained to them that I thought I was having a heart attack because my heart was racing so fast. They called 911, and I was on my way into a hospital called Good Samaritan, on the way to the hospital. I was afraid I was dying; I began praying and asking God to help me please. I was also very concerned that I would never see my family again, after a complete examination. I was told that I was being admitted into the hospital. However, the next day, The doctor came back and explain the test results (blood work exams, stress test, test, x-rays, etc. )
the way my heart was racing. Prior to being admitted into the hospital, I was not surprised to hear the bad news or unpleasant results that I had clogged arteries, high cholesterol, was obese.

After a few days at the hospital, I was finally released, but was told to change my diet and start taking about eight or nine medications and to lose some weight. Furthermore, to get my high-cholesterol levels under control. This experience shocked and frightened me so badly, I immediately throughout all my junk food, especially my butter pecan ice cream that I would eat about two or three times a day with extra pecans and the rest of foods that were contributing factors to my condition. Diabetes runs in my family, and I was very surprised to hear that this condition didn't kick in. Needless to say, I changed my diet, and lost a lot of weight. I went from hundred and 80 down to 110. Presently My cholesterol levels are also down to a normal level.

I do realize that everyone's circumstances and situations are different. This has to be taken into consideration what works for one person may or may not work for another. However, I do thank God that I could reach my goals, and so far still sticking to the plans that were laid out for me while hospitalized. Heart disease is a very scary situation. So many people are dealing with this healthcare crisis. Listening to your doctor, being determined to live and enjoy a healthy lifestyle, making changes in what you put into your body, given up smoking, and excessive drinking and start thinking about living should be a priority to everyone, especially those who are at high risk for heart disease, elderly, overweight and those who are also experiencing other health-related situations that can contribute to this condition. It is so important to have your cholesterol levels checked regularly. Blood pressure and other tests should be sure you're not putting your self at risk of death.

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