About Spiritlady
Joined October 2009
Hi my name is Joanie. I am a 41 year old single mom of two teenagers living in Missouri, (USA). My husband and I divorced back when my daughter was 1 and now she is 17 and my son is 19. All these years I have struggled to make money and my only real goal was to make money online so I could stay home with them. It didn't work out that way. But I am still determined to make money online so I can help my kids out because all these years I was unable to give them much more than a home to live in. I seem to have problems focusing and staying with anything so it is a battle. But I really like the idea of being able to work where I want and when I want. I realize it will take work but am looking forward to the day when I make money consistently. At this time, I feel overwhelmed and confused. Reading posts of other's success I feel is crucial to giving us all hope. I hope to have my own success story someday soon.

I am interested in becoming a raw fooder or raw vegan (although I am still not there) and I am totally interested in natural healing methods and modalities as that is my specialty. I am also big on the LOA (Law of Attraction) as I realize that our thoughts produce our feelings and our feelings produce vibrations which then produce what we attract. So I am intending to attract some fun interesting people and of course a lot of money so I can live a half way decent life at some point. They say money doesn't produce happiness but I know lack of money produces stress and unhappiness.

Most of the family I grew up in along with my friends are the kinds of people who are satisfied with a job. Not me... I have wanted to work for myself since high school and although I have to some degree, I simply haven't been very financially successful. But that is going to change as I am determined to never give up!
I also want to travel and take a much needed vacation on a beach somewhere and hopefully in the future I will meet a man to marry again. For now, my focus is making money and improving my health and relationships with those I love.
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ceonbryant Premium
Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate!!! Wish you the best of luck and if you need any help just PM me
Louise M. Premium
By the way, I would advise you to read the resources for newbies in the training center->training homepage and the posts in the forum. ;)
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME here !

Feel free to PM me if you need help. Good luck !