The Kindle

Last Update: December 06, 2011

Just carrying on from yesterdays post explaining a bit about myself. Well I had completed my secondary schooling before I went deaf. Now why do I keep repeating that I am deaf? Because it has important manifestations about what I'm trying to do here. At school one of my courses was English Literature and each term one was given a set book to read whether you liked it or not. Mostly not, as they chose great classics, which essentially I found boring. However, to pass your term one was compelled to read them.

Then of course shortly after leaving school, I lost all my hearing in the Army whilst doing my National Service in what was then the Rhodesian army. When I was out of hospital and had eventually learnt to walk again. (I've written about this elsewhere), so won't bore you with all the details again. But it was now time to learn how to lip-read. During the course of this my lip reading teacher told me that it was very important that I must now read a lot and more all the time.

Her reasoning being that as I could no longer hear the spoken word, the only way I could pick up new words or vocabulary, was by reading them. If not, I would have a tendency to forever sound like a teenager. Truer words were never spoken and thus began my lifelong love of reading.

So, back to today's modern world and the great leaps in technological advances. Sadly however, very few young people today seem to like to read. But what about people, perchance of older generations, who do? Which brings me around to 'The Kindle'.

Here is an absolutely mind blowing, new, piece of technology. Where you can have in the palm of your hand, precisely what you want to read. Be it a newspaper, a magazine, or anything that  you, personally feel like. More importantly, especially if you are an avid reader there is no need for bookshelves or cupboards. No Sir, noSireeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, you have all this in the palm of your hand. Amazing?

Christmas is just around the corner as well and I can think of no more timely present than this; The Kindle

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