Ain't Got No Energy!!

Last Update: June 29, 2010

Well, it's nearly July, and I must say that I'm quite frustrated with myself. The reason, is because I'm quite simply not finding the time to learn here at WA. I've been a member for a little over a month now, and I feel as though I've barely covered any ground. Frustrating, indeed. I suppose I should be a little more understanding of myself, since I'm dealing with some health issues, but even still... I have a complete lack of energy, and feel utterly fatigued all the time. This is the most disheartening challenge I've ever encountered, because it's hard to get anything done when you can't even stay awake!! The doctors I've gone to can only tell me to 'get more sleep' (?!), so I haven't made any headway there... Taking matters into my own hands, I've tried to keep myself awake any way I can, even to the point of starting a nasty caffeine habit that I've finally weened myself off of. I suppose I'm just going to keep going, searching for answers & solutions for how I can stay awake & motivated, because right now, that's truly my biggest obstacle to success!!!


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xploringsuccess Premium
My retail job wears me out even though I have changed my schedule and work fewer hours during the week. I try to have a good attitude about IM and learn what I can. It's easy to feel like an underachiever here sometimes but it takes time to get this going. I have trouble finding things I want to market. There's a lot of quicksand on clickbank. I don't have enough web presence to qualify for other affiliate programs right now. There's MoreNiche but it's king of oriented to a uk audience...
jatdebeaune Premium
Yes, stress can make you tired. But if you have health issues, then maybe you need to do what your doctors suggest and sleep. When you are feeling better, everything changes, even your outlook. Spring, your health is more important than anything, even IM. Take care of yourself.
Travis101 Premium
Wow, I'm going through the same exact thing. I think for me, it's linked to anxiety. I'm going through quite a stressful, but opportunistic time right now in life. Hope you find your solution!! I joined last week... haven't found the motivation to just do it!! I'm so stinkin' tired all the time! I wonder.