About Squidmann
Joined March 2009
Hi, my name is David Vanistendael, i will tell you a bit about myself.
Love to travel alot, met my wife doing so! I like going out with friends, going to the gym, go to restaurant's etc..

What i love most is learning to make money online, that's why i'm here:-)
so i can fund my travel and live in the country of my choice " VIETNAM "
There i met my wife 6 years ago! We have a baby girl and soon my son will be born:-)!

Now i stay 30/70 in Vn and belgium but hope with the help of WA that that will change and i can stay permantely with my family! We already own a nice appartment near the beach in NHA-TRANG, only need one more thing to make our dream complete, make a good and solid income true internet!

Thank you K&C for this opportunity!

Feel free to leaf me some shouts:-)
c ya David
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TJ Books Premium
Click on my pic to reply. You are the second person today who met his wife in Vietnam. I'm reading a very thick book on Vietnam right now, about half way through it. So far the French were very nasty colonizers and the U.S. was very stupid. Is that about right? Welcome! Now work hard. John
TJ Books Premium
shaner863's wife is from Vietnam. I think they wish they were still there. Go to his profile to read about him (shaner863 in search box). They live in Oregon I think. John
TJ Books Premium
Oh, I remember that. I was on a train riding through Belgium out of Luxembourg with an old Dutch lady. She fed me on the train and when we got to Utrecht, Holland, her son took my bags and drove me to the hotel. Nice people. He said, "We dutch are stupid but we are strong!" See you on facebook.
Squidmann Premium
hi Sandi, thank you for liking my lens:-)
Amazon is a module you can find in the FIND MODULES featchure in the right top of your lens!
the products are comming from www.cj.com there you find these kind of products and many more outdore stuff!! hope this helped you a litle bit! wish you success! David
TyneeTom Premium
What's up Squidmann! I hate VN! It's so hot there! My mom's side of the family lives in Ho Chi Minh City in district 7.

I'm really scared of the security officers carrying AK-47's there, LOL.
TyneeTom Premium
My dropshipping is full of failure. I'm losing money each month. Yahoo server costs is about 120 a month. and 20 a month to be with the supplier. I'm just not selling enough to break even.

I tried expanding to EBAY, but I have sooooo many competitors selling the same product. I can't even offer the cheapest prices if i adjust my profit to be 0. My competition must be going through a different supplier.....ha ha.

Hopefully I can figure IM out and regain what i've lost by exponential amounts. :)

How's your IM going? Are you doing well?
TyneeTom Premium
Squiddmann! I am already signed up with WorldWideBrands!

That is exactly where I found my current DropShipper. (Apollo Fulfillment)

I have received, in my opinion very barebones service from them....my orders were not being properly processed for over a month! I had to send them a helpdesk ticket and many e-mails until they finally replied to me with "Ooops, we found something broken with your website, we are looking into it now"

T_T....all the while customers kept asking me where their orders were!

Welp....hopefully we both can become successful with IM :)
TyneeTom Premium
Squidmann, since we're friends now. I'll give you my login for WWB if you want.

Honestly, there is "nothing" on that site. It is just a directory to search up other drop shipping companies.

(After you search these companies up, you actually have to CONTACT them yourself and set it all up).

It gets a little complicated after that. I'm not sure how it is for you, because you are from Europe.

But I live in the USA, and the state of Washington.

So I had to get a BUSINESS LICENSE for my city( Seattle ). And I also had to get a business license for the state (Washington)

Easy stuff, but is kind of a hassle....plus you have to file taxes QUARTERLY(at least for me)
TyneeTom Premium
Hey Squid, glad I could save you some money :).

Yeah I do have a facebook account.

Try searching up Thomas T Duong
I'm not currently using a real picture, it will be a picture of a red gummy bear and a blue gummy bear kissing each other. LOL

If you can't find me pm me your full name, I'll add you!

And yeah I wouldn't mind having a look into google cash. send me a pm! thanks
Squidmann Premium
hi, thank's for the shout! I love VN:-)
i live partime in Nha trang, just both a appartment there!
how is your drop shipping going?
c ya, David
Squidmann Premium
hi, i am just starting out and still learning here! thanks for asking. maybe you already know this but i tell you anyway
there is a very good site for dropshippers: worlwidebrands.com alot of info and help!
c ya, David
Squidmann Premium
really! how do you think about WWB?
i was thinking of becoming a member a while back,
i'm sure when we work it we become successful at IM
c ya,
Squidmann Premium
hi, that would be nice just to have a look insite!
you know on the outsite it looks so great! damn!
when you like to send your ID you send it better in PM!
do you have a facebook acc.?
Squidmann Premium
hey my friend, thank's for sharing! isn't much to see in there! but on the outside it look's so promising!
iff you like i can share with you google cash3, it's for ppc learning! let me know ok. how about facebook?
c ya, David
Squidmann Premium
success with google cash3! i go to sleep now!
c ya,
virtuallywork Premium
Hey,there! :)
I was wondering if you could post text in English for me? I could not understand the words. :( Guess I need some language courses too! LOL
Squidmann Premium
hi virtuallywork, you left me this shout: Hey,there! :)
I was wondering if you could post text in English for me? I could not understand the words. :( Guess I need some language courses too! LOL/ which text do you meen?
c ya, David
DavidY Premium
Hello David I am new here and I see that you recently joined. What r your thoughts so far? have you done IM before?
Take care
DavidY Premium
Did you do the learning resources? seems to me that they are very helpful . I finished the 1st week and cant wait to see what in the 2nd week. I hope they will go in details about the stuff because it seems like it sort of vague for a beginner
Squidmann Premium
hey David, thank's for the shout! didn't do IM befor this is the first time! there is alot to learn here for us members but the best way to start is 8week action plan! so far i'm very satisfied!
c ya, David
Squidmann Premium
yes i did and still do! i'm waiting now for the 3th week. 2nd is a bit more detail but not yet the full blow:-)