Which Side of Your Brain Do You Use?

Last Update: June 30, 2012
Ever wonder or interested in finding out? Take this quiz.

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ThomasPaul Premium
It said I'm right sided but the description does not match me a whole lot
Shawn Martin Premium
lol said I am normal. Thanks a hoot! :)
DABK Premium
The right brain however, processes from whole to parts. You see the big picture first, not the details.

You are however not good at spelling, math, and science.
I'm great at spelling, good at math, good at science... Till I got sidetracked, I was going to be an electrical engineer... I was pretty good at science, except chemistry... Didn't like it one bit.

Problem solves with hunches, looking for patterns.

You are good at sports and writing.
Yup. On both counts.

You have an imagination which is good because when you have imaginatin you tend to be more smart.
Yup for imagination. I thought it went the other way, I'm smart, hence I have imagination.

You prefer working in a group than by yourself.
Nope. And I answered no to this very question.
I love people, just not individually.

You also like to read fantasy and mystery stories.
Nope. I like to read. Never liked fantasy fiction. Love fiction, in general. Love non-fiction if it provides me answers.

You can also listen to music or TV while studying.

You perfer having fun than work.
Show me someone who says they prefer work, and I'll show you a liar.

You also think better when lying down!
Nah! I do my best thinking when I walk around or pace. When I lie down, I think about sex and beautiful women.

I am a right sided person many people are right sided so you are normal.
I'd normal if I were left-sided.

This WAS fun, though the test is pitifully designed.

Do I prefer soccer over scrabble? Yes. I have yet to lose a scrabble game. It gets boring. Which is not to say I'm not better at soccer than most of the people around here.

Do I prefer scrabble over soccer? Yes. That's not to say I'm not great at scrabble. But you need to get at least 7 other people in the mood to play. Then you need to go to a field. I don't have that kind of time.

Thanks for the fun. And, as they say in Spanish, Russian and Swahili, See you later, alligator.
stadium Premium
i see the questions are not always the same
Apina Premium
The right brain however, processes from whole to parts.
You see the big picture first, not the details. Yup
You are however not good at spelling, math, and science. Err I am a good speller, crap typist though.
Problem solves with hunches, looking for patterns. Yup
You are good at sports and writing. Nope
You have an imagination which is good because when you have imaginatin you tend to be more smart. What?
You prefer working in a group than by yourself. I actually answered this as no...
You also like to read fantasy and mystery stories. Yup
You can also listen to music or TV while studying. I answered this as no too
You perfer having fun than work. Maybe
You also think better when lying down! Might be true, late night ideas just as i doze off
I am a right sided person many people are right sided so you are normal. So left brained people are abnormal?
stadium Premium
i was left sided:(
Apina Premium
I wouldnt worry I think its a bit of a crappy test lol
stadium Premium
yeah some of the questions I could answer yes or no to depending on certain circumstances
stadium Premium
but yeah thanks for calling my test crap lol
TJ Books Premium
That was fun. I am right brained but I spent my life as an engineer/scientist. Not all engineers and scientist are left brained. And being right brained does not mean you can't understand science. But, the test was fun. John
stadium Premium
Do you put yes or no to understanding, "Life is just a bowl of cherries"? Is the meaning the same as forest grumps, life is like a box of chocolates?