Day 4 @

Last Update: May 29, 2010

Day 4 @ Wealthy Affiliate.

Hello every one, this might be a short visit @ WA... As I have just noticed that the amount I put into Paypal for Membership was not enough, M y calculation from Australian currency to US was not enough... So my visit might be short lived... 2 to 3 days pending, waiting for funds to transfer might be my downfall and I am not happy, I have finally found a place with a complete package all inclusive was difficult and this is upsetting...

OK That was the down side to my morning, now the up side...

My Fiance was away for three days and last night she came home, so I didn't wake up alone was a absolutely a good start to my morning... Coco Pops and a cup of tea to start the day and now it is 11am and my 2 hours so far online has been productive.

Added tweets, made some new friends and updated  content on my blog, posted an article on "Small Business from Home", after I spun it through "Magic Article Submitter of course, a product I bought before I joined Wealthy Affiliate.Magic has Publishing list of over 1000 and once you have signed up your articles after getting spun will be sent to all accounts opened... How Cool is that.. All Spun and Unique...

I added ClickBank products one being "Satellite Direct TV" to my Site and today will be my promoting day...How cool is this product, 3200+ Channels, a one off price and no more bills... As you can see there is a method to my madness, I don't like paying bills and gaining something for a one off price is awesome... Value for Money because everytime you use that product the price you paid reduces but if you have an ongoing bill attached then that product becomes something else, you don't own it and your under someone else's thumb... 

That's why we all are here, to get ahead, to learn and get value out of life...

Good Fortunes my Friends from Global Unity Brings Success.

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