is it the End of my IM business?

Last Update: April 15, 2011

i do not know how to handle this,i can get advice,though here,i join IM middle of last year,i have being doing my best to succeed in this business,which along the line,i have made some silly mistakes,spent  some bulks in something i end up not using,i do not regret it,because it thought me a lesson,i learn new things every day,i join WA on feb this year 2011,i have learnt a lot here, made new wonderful friends,great support friend kyle and carson, and others,,infact i feel at home here, i have being putting a lot of effort ,and motivation to be a successful internet marketer, But is like this dream of mine will got short so soon,i wish i know how to handle this,,,yesterday i was suppose to receive a commission from one of the company am promoting their product as affiliate, through Paypal,it bounce back ,meaning paypal said that my country Angola can only send money,but cannot receive,that they are sorry, some international country their yet to have provision for receiving money,,am totally disapointed ,i feel hurt. ,,All my IM connection have something to do with me receiving money through Paypal,  i do not blame them is not their fault,it could have something to do with to government policy,which they said that they are working out something,,but how will i continues with this business,if i cannot receive any money in return ?i mine only good in paying and not receiving?this is sad,i have lost all my motivation, idont know what to do,,,,is this the end of my IM business? is there in alternative to this,,i cant think of any,my head is full.  THANK YOU FOR READING.

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Labman_1 Premium
Most affiliate networks have an option for issuing checks. Perhaps you can get your affiliate network to use this option for you.
burntout Premium
Hey. Sorry to read about your situation. I did a little looking online and if Angola is not receiving pay pal payments it is very close to doing so. This link may help you. Another thought is opening a bank account in a neighbouring area that does accept paypal...Just don't know the politics your involved in, don't know if thats permissable. The little bit I have read though has some positives. Don't ever give up!
success2uj Premium
Than you so much for your thought, i appreciate,.
Devan Premium
There must be solution to help you. Not every business uses PayPal. There are other companies but I know for me PP is the easiest to use. I think there is one in Great Britain called WorldPay. You may like to check them out. Why don't you send Kyle a PM or post this in the forum for the more experienced marketers to answer? I'm really sorry to hear this but don't give up on your business!