About Sue.d
Joined March 2009
I am in Australia. 47yo. Wife. Mother. Grandmother. Love roses. Live in the bush north of Perth, Western Australia. 4 chooks. Kangaroo's hop around in our yard. I am the middle person of five living generations. I play guitar and keyboards. My husband loves fishing. He plays the trumpet and flute. We ran a youth group in a small town. Very rewarding. I was a worship leader where we lived before. We've done a fair bit of outreach with music in public places. Our ride on mower is broken. I saw a chook kill a young snake then eat it head first. I was afraid our eggs might be venomous for a day or two.
I am doing this course because I believe it will enable me to work from home. There isn't much work around here. I do 4 hours a week of data entry for the local shop. I don't want to drive to the city for work.
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sue.d Premium
Hello. I'm 47 and having a bit of a mid-life crisis. The kids have left home, I live in the bush and I figure it's safer working from home than dodging kangaroo's on my way to the city and back. The profile photo was taken on Norfolk Island in April two years ago. I'd love to go back there. It was a lovely place to get away from it all and relax. I'm off to do some ironing. Catch you later.
sue.d Premium
A fox got Brownie this morning. The other chooks were freaking out and ran as fast as they could to our front door and huddled. I hate foxes. Now we have to get another brown chook from somewhere and hope our grandson doesn't notice it's a different chook. That fox has ripped us off for about 500 eggs that would have been layed.
sue.d Premium
I just had a look. Toby is awesome!!! I used to love it when he sang Rebel Yell on Rock Star INXS. I was just thinking about the Rock Star series yesterday, wondering if there will be another one soon. My husband and I love that show. If the band comes to Perth, I'll let you know how they sound live :) Better still, maybe you can hit a lucrative niche and we'll go together!
sue.d Premium
Woops... wrong there. I think it was Rock Star Supernove that Toby was in.
sue.d Premium
Happy Mothers Day to you too. Each contraction brings you one contraction closer to the end. Remember to relax your whole body as much as you can and lay very, very still and quiet. A wise aboriginal lady gave me that advice and it worked a treat for me. This is an exciting time and being a bit nervous is all part of it. I think you'll do really well. The second child is usually easier to birth than the first. That is a good thought. I'll be thinking of you :) Sue
sue.d Premium
Hi Kat,

It's great to hear all of your exciting news with sales and songs happening.

I've been busy all week with an oversea's visitor staying with us. It's been very stormy wet weather here, not much fun for site seeing around Perth. Our visit say's it rains more in Australia than it does in England! That isn't true, but I can understand why this week might have made him think that.

I've been thinking about making my CD available over the net but haven't yet put a plan together. I suspect that I will be learning a lot from what you are doing with your music. You have been a big encouragement to me and you probably didn't even know that :)

I need to get going now. Keep up the good work and I'll catch you later,

lynn359 Premium
I'm new to the program . My kids are all gone also and I'm looking for financial freedom. Best of luck with WA.
sue.d Premium
Hi, I'm sure we'll do well at this. We have a good mindset, maturity and some young people on line who are up with all the latest moves.
rien hiddink Premium
Hello Sue,
Welcome to the WA university, and hope that you find what you were looking for
Greetings Rien from Holland
rien hiddink Premium
Great that you'r husband have been in Holland it is a great country, and how are your lesson's going are you a newbie too or do you have some experience in the internet marketing aready?
sue.d Premium
Thank you for the nice welcome. I hope your hobby turns out to be rewarding in every way. My husband lived in Amsterdam for a few months and always says it was the best place ever.
music_mom30 Premium
HI! Saw you were from Perth, was wondering if you know about Juke Kartel? :) My favorite band, they are from Melbourne. Anyway, welcome to WA!
music_mom30 Premium
Thanks for writing back, very cool background info. :) You can check out my music if you like, my sites are on my profile, but you can just go to www.kat-tracks.com to listen to a few things. As for the melbourne band, you should check them out too, they are awesome and are just starting to tour OZ, you probably would get to see them live before I ever do! www.jukekartel.com is there website. If you ever watched Rock Star you may know of the lead singer Toby Rand. BTW, totally agree about hiphop :P HAHA!
music_mom30 Premium
That would be awesome to see them live in OZ :) That definitely is a goal of mine, to be able to see one of their shows, possibly over there, since they are taking SOOO long to come over this way. They were just in LA doing a bunch of shows, but I couldn't afford to go and didn't really want to travel this pregnant anyway. Thank you for your kind words, I like parts of being pregnant, but not the pain and he is definitely causing some of that now so I look forward to May 11th, or sooner! Very excited for my first sale, hope it isn't a long lull between this one and the next. Good luck to you in getting yours!
music_mom30 Premium
Thank you :) We are having a boy, we know that much, will have to wait for the rest of the info. Had a doc visit today, everything is progressing as it should, hopefully he will wait a couple more weeks so MY doctor will be here to deliver him. May 11th, can't wait!!! By the way, I got Juke Kartel's CD in the mail a couple of days ago, it is only on sale in Oz, it's called Nowhere Left To Hide and is really good, you should try to get one if you can. Their website jukekartel.com has more info. of where it is for sale.

Thanks again for the well wishes! I will let you know how it goes :)
music_mom30 Premium
Hi :) Monday is the big day, I'm ready but nervous of course! Happy Mother's Day to you :)
music_mom30 Premium
Hi! One week later, can't believe it. I gave birth to him last Monday at 3:24pm, 8 and a half hours of labor, 7 minutes of pushing. He was 7 pounds 6 oz., 20 inches long, and had a little bit of dark hair. He looks a lot like my daughter did when she was born, but definitely looks like a boy :) He is adorable. Not getting much sleep latey, completely exhausted! Taking a bit to get back into the computer routine, want to keep going with WA, but think that another week or so of adjusting will be necessary. Talk to you later, Kat
music_mom30 Premium
Thank you :) Things are a bit crazy at the moment, which is to be expected. But I'm hoping in another week things will start to settle a little. Patience, patience, patience, right? :)
music_mom30 Premium
Hi Sue! Hope you are doing well :)
music_mom30 Premium
Aww that's cute, that you tired THEM out! I hope your husband gets feeling better soon, it is no fun being sick :( Yes, the learning is definitely never ending, but it is amazing that we are actually finally able to learn something instead of being scammed isn't it?! The kids are doing well, Kira swam with the swim teacher for the first time yesterday (she's been a bit attached to mom and dad!), and Grady smiled at me for the first time today :) He likes it when I kiss him on the cheek. Have you check out Toby's CD yet, it is probably the only thing keeping me sane, haha!
music_mom30 Premium
Hey again! I made my first article sale :) I also changed my music site to allow for anyone to download a free mp3 of my newest song (new being relative, it was written last July!) Anyway if you're interested go to www.kat-tracks.com

Take care!
music_mom30 Premium
If you ever need any help with your site let me know :)

music_mom30 Premium
Hey Sue! How's it going?
sue.d Premium
Hello Kat,
Sorry for not answering your post earlier. I don't know the Melbourne band you mentioned. I think there is good music coming out all over the world all of the time. (Except for hiphop. I can't stand that noise!) There is a heck of a lot to study with this course. It's more than I expected but I'm enjoying it. I was a music mom for a number of years touring Australia three times with different country music outfits. I found it a bit frustrating when I wanted to cut loose and rock out! We weren't allowed to rock out. It was great to be paid to see the country and have my daughter with me too. At the beginning of the last tour, the bass guitar sat flat against my stomach. By the end of the tour I was 6 months pregnant and the bass poked way out hehehe. I've been in different bands and duo's, worked solo for a few years with guitar and drum machine. Then worked solo using backing tracks. In 2000 I won Western Australia Best Gospel Performer. That sounds like I'm bragging but I'm not. It's just back ground info. I'm too old for all that stuff now but I have some fantastic memories to look back on. I hope you do well in your course and acheive all you've set out to do.
Regards, Sue
sue.d Premium
Hi Kat. Congratulations on your first sale. I'm very happy for you and hope to see you build a highly successful business. I haven't set anything in motion yet. I'm studying, putting notes together and learning lots through the forums. I like PotPieGirl too. She is a wonderful communicator. You must be feeling quite heavy with your child now. I loved being pregnant and I loved feeling the baby move inside me. I pray all goes well for you and your family. Kind regards, Sue
sue.d Premium
Hi Kat, I can't wait to hear if your baby is a boy or a girl, is big or small, has hair or is bald, looks like mum or looks like dad etc. I'm thinking of you :) Sue.
sue.d Premium
Oh Kat, congratulations and well done! I've been thinking about you every day wondering how you were. I hope your family settles into a smooth routine very quickly and easily. You are in a precious time of your life. Lots of love, Sue :)
sue.d Premium
Oh, that's nice of you to hope I am doing well:) I've been busy the last couple of weeks. My husband has been very sick with the (normal) flu. We've had a family weekend making my nana's garden safer for her. She's 95 next month. We moved a lot of pots around, pulled a lot of stuff out and re-potted many plants. She lives in the city. I've been "kid proofing" our house as the grandchildren are coming to stay for the weekend. Keith and I are usually exhausted after they've been but last time the eldest one was here, I planned things to exhaust him. It was pretty special to wonder where he was, then find him fast asleep in the lounge room. I felt victorious.

The learning involved with the marketing is never ending. Everytime I turn a corner, there is something new I have to learn. I'm not complaining. It's good to learn but sometimes I think my brain is going to pop open from too much stuff!

I'd love to hear how your children are going. Catch you later,

sue.d Premium
Wow... your "July" was really nice to listen to. It touched me on a deep level.
I don't know how to put one of my CD tracks into MP3 to share with you but I guess that's another big learning curve I'll need to do. When I get it sussed, I'll send you a track.
Peeds Premium
Hi there fellow WA -- i am also new to IM and well followin the 8 week plan -- how r u doin , if u need any help lemme know.
Peeds Premium
Hi Sue .. thanx for your support -- we are in this together and we will make it dont worry we just gotta keep at it -- so hey hows life there -- what cha doin ... i am in the 2nd week of the 8 week plan and is very interesting ...
cheers take care
All you need is time and pressure - Morgan Freeman - Shawshank Redemption
sue.d Premium
Hi Peeds,
It looks like we're on this journey together. Thanks for the offer of help. I appreciate it.
sue.d Premium
Hi Peeds, I haven't heard from you for a while. I just wondered how you are going. Sue :)