Posts by Suem 9
I am thinking about creating a series of videos for a new site I have just created. This is really new - no content at all yet! While I was mulling over everything in my head about how I am going to do this I started wondering about the backlinks situation and how this now works with regards to You Tube and all these questions kept popping into my head!.If I create a video and put it on You Tube this would show a link to my website. Should I then also embed this into my website?If I embed it int
My son just got back from uni over the weekend. Has tried to log into his hotmail account and it's been blocked!He didn't do the register your mobile number thing with them because, at the time of registering, he thought that would just get loads of texts from them that he didn't want.He doesn't recognise the e-mail they are quoting to send his code to cl*****, can't get to speak to a human by phone so they say that only think is to log in using the computer that
I am pondering the idea of buying a .info domain but have heard people saying that they wouldn't go there are so was wondering if anyone had any real life experience of them that they were willing to share.I currently have a ecommerce site that I have had for about 12 years now. It works well and is currently my sole income and pays all the bills - not much left over for any luxuries though which is why I am here at WA to get a few more income streams to cover that - and hopefully som
We have just had our busiest month for nearly 3 years! I joined WA in November because I was seriously worried about our on-line business. Previously we had always been 2nd in the google rankings but had been gradually dropped further and further down and although we were still hanging onto the bottom of the first page with our fingernails we were really only collecting the crumbs left behind by the other companies who had been overtaking us in the rankings.I had started using a rankings tool an
May 15, 2012
I assume this is just a UK thing but I have just received an email from one of my affiliate companies advising that there is some new cookie legislation that comes into force on 26th May 2012. Well it apparently became law on 26th May 2011 but they are going to be enforcing it with effect from 26th May 2012. Below are a few paragraphs from the e-mail: What does the revised law mean? The Cookie Law means that websites will need to get consent from customers to store or retrieve any information
Over the last few days I have started to become very uncomfortable about the future of my on-line business. I have had an online shop for over 10 years, originally it was local business but evolved over the years and now delivers nationwide. We do very little local work and due to the current climate doing just local work is no longer an option as I just couldn't earn enough to pay the bills. About 7 years ago I started doing PPC and my business really took off but after a couple of year
There is so much to learn with IM, I just start to feel that I'm getting somewhere and then I come across something else that I need to overcome before I can progress. I'm not saying that's a bad thing because I enjoy learning but I would like to feel that my foundations were a little less shaky than they appear to be at the moment. When I think of all I still have to learn I am eternally grateful for one thing and that is that I was born in an English speaking country because in
Got to day 5 on the success club and came to a complete standstill. I just couldn't get the enthusiasm to write a second article. I was still excited about affiliate marketing but I seemed to have lost interest in the niche that I had picked, even though it is a subject I know such a lot about. I felt as though I had bitten off more than I could chew, perhaps my niche was too broad and I should just start again. Then last night I went to my domain and realised that my website looked boring and I
November 30, 2011
I'm still a bit in "headless chicken" mode at the moment but have just managed to submit my first article so quite proud of myself for that! Still a bit hazy on all the rules of the WA Space so if I'm doing something wrong I can only apologise.  Hopefully all will be clearer soon!