About Sunrae
Joined June 2009
Well it's 2012 and time for me to kick myself in the butt and get moving. I've been a member for a couple of years and haven't done a whole lot with the information I've learned. I know better so this year I will do better. I have set some goals for myself and was certain to share them with a few people who will call me a nut case if I fail to accomplish them. These ones will be a great motivator for me.

So, let me tell you a little about myself. I'm more active at the gym then online which is probably where I need a little balance. I love to work out; I'm a vegetarian (health and fitness nut :-) I like weightlifting, running, biking, hiking, playing basketball, baseball. I'm the athletic type (yeah, the tomboy). I also shoot pool but I suck at it.

I love kids and they seem to love me also...it's because I will get down on the floor and play with them or go out and play in the dirt, sand or rain. I can also climb a mean tree. Guess I'm not the kind to worry about a broken finger nail because I don't have any. I also enjoy reading and writing, although I haven't written a darn thing here on WA...something is definitely wrong with this picture.

I'm as real as they come and very laid back, oh yeah...I'm really nice too:). So enough about me. Thanks for reading and drop me a line...I need some encouraging activity on my page :)
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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Sunrae. How do you like the new WA format? They say follow instead of buddy now. That's OK. A rose by any name is still as sweet. We're buddied up.
Sunrae Premium
Hi Jatdebeaune. I guess I like the new look ok. Will take a bit of getting use too. The whole OEP thing. But I like the fact that we continue to progress and keep up to date on all the changes.
Just stopping in to say "Hi, Sunrae!" Sherry M
Sunrae Premium
Hi there Stepping Stones...drop by and say hello anytime.
Behealthy Premium
Hi Sunrae. Thank you for the request, much appreciated. I was reading your profile and noticed you are taking a more pro-active approach to your website. How is it going? It has a lot of potential...there are some great ways to get traffic for it.
Im glad that you are finally kicking yourself up the butt in anycase...keep kickin :)
Im also a gym and health "freak". If I don't go to the gym for more than a week I feel as if I'm wasting away.
I loved climbing the trees when I was younger too, I grew up in Montserrat and my grandad had a whole lot of land with all kinds of fruit trees. He also had a lot of animals. I'm going back for christmas this year (I don't celebrate christmas but my family don't wanna hear it).
Where do you go hiking?
Behealthy Premium
I hear ya about meeting people of like minded qualities and ways of living. It becomes easier once you start to become comfortable with who you are - you will avoid and vet the type of people you let around you and that change of mind state a
Behealthy Premium
Sorry about that, something happened and my response posted...I'm not even sure how it happened. Ill start and continue what I was saying below.

I hear ya about meeting people of like minded qualities and ways of living. It becomes easier once you start to become comfortable with who you are - you will avoid and vet the type of people you let around you and that change of mind state will attract certain energy of people almost by default. I agree that those people seem to be few and far but you really don't need a whole lot of people around you anyway.
I miss climbing trees girl! I even had a tree house in a Mango tree my grandad had. You could pick rip, sweet, juuuuicy maaangoooes! ( Can you tell I like Mangos)
Mango, Guinip, Soursap, Banana, Guava, Strawberries, Watermelon, Kiwi fruit - those are my favourite fruits. Do you know hairy mango? I used to love the "hair" hooking between my teeth...weird. I know.
I just got into these things called Goji Berries too, I not too long finished eating a handful.
Military huh? How was it? Not something I would do at all. I like the idea but not the purpose if you know what I mean. I had a friend I would go running with at 6 in the morning when I attended university years ago...if one of us was late getting up then one of us would literally get dragged out the bed...how nice!
Ok, I'm starting to feel like I am talking to comfortably now too. Your a stranger and I don't want you to think I'm one of those guys you would cross the street after seeing...if it's any consolation, I really am not weird lol..Im just typing freely...kinda.
If you want any help or pointers with your website too let me know.
Behealthy Premium
lol...I am not a fruitcake but fruits and cakes I like...I know what you mean. Over here, (London) fruitcake means something not nice. :) Since we are on the subject of cakes I have been a gluten free organic carrot cake from a health food shop some time ago and that thing! Geez it tasted good! I had to discipline myself and stop eating them for a while. I know what you mean about not having enough hours in the day time has been scarce for me lately too. My organization and priorities can be fine tuned and adapted truth be told though. The thing with my online ventures is that I need to keep some sort of consistency, both for the quality of my website and to maintain my interest. This is one reason why you should never have too much going at once. There are some things that I have to handle privately not related to IM'ing and they are challenging me at the moment. The website I have been working on lately is directly related to Internet marketing. www.howtobecomeanaffiliatemarketer.com. Not much done to it, and I'm still tweaking but since you are curious I thought I'd give you something to scratch the itch :) I not too long started it actually and what might also surprise you is my registration to the Facebook and Twitter revolution because of it...yep...Facebook and Twitter late comer and yes, I am not ashamed to admit it...I thought they were a waste of time otherwise. That thing you were saying about leaving your town to join the military; I can relate to because I felt somewhat similar when I was living in Montserrat. Coming to England I thought would be such a wonderful experience but unlike you who enjoyed your experience; England wasn't all it cracked up to be. The people and attitudes are so much more selfish and ruthless to the point were I feel development as a human being is compromised. Anyway, I'm glad you had a good experience - that's a pleasurable experience and that's great. Right now I'm finishing off my Sweet potato and stewed Lentils I made way too late in the night. It's nearly midnight, man! Not good. I'm going to be up for a while though. That's still no excuse. Hey, that reminds me, do you know or recommend a good raw food book. I have been suggested a few already but I wanna pick your brain. Let me know. Have I been rambling again?
Sunrae Premium
Hi Behealthy. I should have known that you were also into the whole health thing by the name "Behealthy" wow!!! that's fantastic...it is hard meeting people that are health conscious and really love exercise and the whole fitness thing. So it's such a pleasure to know that you too are a health nut...lol. It is so true about missing gym, if I miss three days in a row I don't have that feeling of well-being or that high I get when I work out consistently. You mentioned you don't celebrate christmas...I don't either,,,nor birthdays and such and haven't for years. About climbing trees...lol. I climbed them when I was younger but I will climb one today as well, if I come across a large enough one. I use to go hiking when I was in the military but that has been some years ago...no one wants to go hiking with me now. In fact my friends are really not into the whole fitness thing :-( Guess I need new friends. I am sure you will have a great time when you go back to Montserrrat in December.

I have a lot of work to do on my websites and although I have made a little money, it certainly isn't time to retire. I will have to devote a lot more time and effort into making it work if I am to become truly successful. So this year I plan to do just that. I hope I haven't bored you to death with all this chatter but I am a writer :-) Anyway, thanks for saying hello, I appreciate it and do drop in again.
Sunrae Premium
Hey there Behealthy. I like reading your comments - you're funny...some of the stuff you stated made me laugh out loud, but that's a good thing. I can tell you really enjoy life and don't worry about being too comfortable talking...I won't think you are a nut case or something...lol. However, to tell the truth I get along better with fruitcakes (if that helps :-) Hey maybe you can send some of those sweet Mangos my way since I am a vegetarian and eat tons of fruit and veggies.

I had a very busy week and have not be on the computer much. I wish I could devote more time to this as I would seriously like to make more progress but there are but so many hours in a day. Nevertheless, I will stay at it, I'm certain I will be further along by the end of the year. How are things going on your end? What are you up to on the internet? You never talk about what wonderful things you are doing in the online world...don't be afraid to share.

As I mentioned I was in the U.S. Navy and you asked "how was it?" It was GREAT!!! I really enjoyed the military which paid for my education and the experiences I received from meeting people and going different places was absolutely wonderful for me at the time. I was just a young kid coming out of high school who wanted to leave home and do something more. The military was my ticket out and I grabbed it and ran as fast as I could. I was raised in a small country town and nothing was there for me after High School. I loved the military doing my stay. My parents didn't believe I would actually go through with leaving home because after all I was just a country girl who never stepped foot outside my little town. But I fooled them all and jumped on an airplane for the first time in my young life and flew like an eagle (isn't that a song?) and never looked back.

Ok, so now it's time for me to button it up and say....don't be a stranger....keep in touch.
iZero Premium
I read your bio, just to have something to go off of. Anyways.. Yea the information is vast but check this out right quick... You put forth all this work, and eventually you will start seein a profit. Yea.. I still don't have a website up yet.. but I have many prospects to do so. It can be done, it just takes patience and dedication. ;D
Sunrae Premium
I will stick with it and see what I can make happen. I know you will do the same. Thanks for stopping in. Let's do this WA thing!
Hi Sunrae. Looking forward to getting to know you and sharing info. A lot of info here. I'm afraid I will get hooked into exploring and forget to DO! Great to meet you.
Hey Sunrar, Great to meet you! I am working on doing atleast 1 thing every day here at WA. Like you said, "tons of information". I just started exploring the training material and how to get around. I decided I need some way of tracking the knowledge and I found "Newbies Avoid Getting Overwhelmed With Creative Organization" by thesue. I had to backup to study it but I think I will come out ahead. Sherry M
Hi Sunrae, I know that for me the jumping around, at this point, is necessary. There is so much that I don't know, that I have to jump around because I have to research the things I really don't understand. And with this industry it looks like there is no end to the "jumping around". * * * I think it is like crossing a stream... You go from one stone to the next, but you are always aiming to get to the other side. * * * ;)
Went to your Website, Sunrae. You have an incredible collection of valuable info over there. Will be glad when I have more time to read and want to watch the video by T W Jackson. I want to redo my pics for my website and get my Affiliate Links in (and the Content!) Talk to you soon! Sherry M
Sunrae Premium
Hello Stepping Stones. I know there is tons of information here and although I've been a member for a while I haven't taken advantage of all the stuff here...it's so much. But we both will get through it. Let's keep in touch and thanks for dropping in on me.
Sunrae Premium
Hi Sherry. I think that a fantastic idea, "working on one thing every day" that's what I am attempting to do as well. The only problem I have is that I find myself jumping around from one project to the next and sometimes not completing anything. i will work on that. Keep me posted as to how you are progressing and I will do the same. I put up a WA Blog and have placed some articles on it but no traffic yet. My next mission is to place some articles on Streetarticles in an effort to get some traffic to my WA blog. Well best wishes...have a great day
Sunrae Premium
That's true Sherry. I guess we will both be jumping around for some time but at least I am having fun doing it...when I can sit still long enough...lol
Sunrae Premium
Thanks Sherry. My little website needs a lot of work and attention still. I jump around so much, it's hard for me to focus on just one thing, one project. I have made a few dollars from it but I can't retire yet...lol. Not by a long shot. You keep moving forward and we will both end up winners, I'm certain of that. Take care.