Posts by Supafly 3
December 31, 2009
Sucker punched by two fellow affiliate marketers, Adeel Chowdhry and Bobby Walker, I crawled into bed last night with the hollowness of buyers remorse and dashed hopes of taking my article marketing to a higher level.   Has it come to this?  Has the internet become a market place for slick sales and quick bucks?  Is this some kind of reverse evolution--a regression to sleazy used car salesman?   I purchased Chowdhry and Walker's product to give me an edge with my article mar
I think I've started doing exactly what I've been told not to do and that's spread myself too thin.  I joined WA just over a week ago and read through all the training tutorials and thought I was ready to go.  I find myself stuck.  I'm not sure what to do next.  I have this feeling that I want it all to happen right now and yet, I haven't even finished my first article.  Is it too long?  Did I pick the wrong niche?  Is it too broad?  Are there enough keyw
Yep, discovered Wealthy Affiliate through a member blogger, who oddly enough, I found to be both suspicious and obstructive.  Therefore, I bought several other internet marketing programs as well, but once I dove into the material, WA was clearly the most forthright of them all.  I have since enjoyed learning a great deal and look forward to a long and lucrative relationship with Wealthy Affiliate. The tremendous resources and training material as well as the WA community make Wealthy