The Realization

Last Update: July 15, 2010

I have a confession to make - I've been neglecting WA.  I have been dealing with a lot lately, and I am making some changes soon.  I will definitely be active again here since a lot of what I am going to do has to do with mastering affiliate marketing.  I made the mistake of thinking it's an easy process.  It really isn't!  I am a hard worker naturally so I know that it is going to be hard work to get to a place where I am going to see success.  

But I won't give up.  I am really determined to be successful in affiliate marketing and grateful that I joined this community because there are such smart people.  It is definitely true:  you learn from others' experiences and everyday you definitely learn something new!


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iFaith Premium
Atta girl Susan! We move constantly forward - whether in the direction of our goals or elsewhere. Keep up the motivation and get to work!