Not Giving Up

Last Update: September 25, 2010

I might not have been active on WA for a bit but best believe I am still in the game! Grad school has started and once again I had a financial aid boondoggle. Nothing spurs me on to keep going with IM than having to depend on anyone for any sort of finance! (Sitting in the financial aid office with number with ticket #465 while they are on number #347 will do that to ya!) Not to mention that this recession has a long way to go before it dissipates. 

In the various forums I see people that are frustrated and giving up. I think the best advice that was given to me was don't expect to be a millionaire overnight.That's the quickest way to get frustrated. Right now I'm being like the turtle "Slow and steady wins the race" I am writing and spinning articles in Microsoft One Note (which I never used before this!) while waiting for my other articles to get approved. And I'm enjoying it! So that's pretty much all I have to say. Don't give up!

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Frets Premium
Ummm, let's see .... how do I best say this ....

.... you go guurrrl !!!!
andys43us Premium
With that attitude, success is inevitable. Cheers!