About Taos 9
Joined May 2010
Hi - My name's Philip: was born in Australia &, making a living as an actor, lived in the US -Manhattan & LA- for close on 20 years. In recent years, after collaborating with a mate in LA working on a Musical Theatre piece called The Art of Smiling, I turned my hand to writing and recently completed my first novel (in the evaluation stage, its with several publishers right now).

Re: Internet Marketing: Living back in Australia & writing (when not surfing), it's the work-from-home factor that appeals to me. Having spent the past weeks on the web researching the business, the more I searched for a way in the more confused I became.. then, a few days ago, I tripped across WA & got my first glimpse of the light at the end of the IM tunnel.

I'll admit I know sweet FA about this IM business (& am going to need all the help I can get), but as of today, I am committed to making a substantial income using WA as my guide (gotta keep writing & surfing). That's it for now - cheers to one & all, Philip (TAoS 9)
Taos 9's Accomplishments

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Taos 9 Premium
"All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days.?
Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days,?
nor in the life of this administration, nor even perhaps
in our lifetime on this planet..?
but let us begin." - John F Kennedy, January 20, 1961
Sherion Premium
Hi Philip. I am new at this too. Maybe we could help each other out as we go along. Wish you the best.
Taos 9 Premium
Thanks mate, am on my way to Jay's now. Speak to you soon..
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Taos 9 Premium
Hi - My name's Philip: was born in Australia &, making a living as an actor, lived in the US -Manhattan & LA- for close on 20 years. In recent years, after collaborating with a mate in LA, working on a Musical Theatre piece called The Art of Smiling, I turned my hand to writing and recently completed my first novel (in the evaluation stage with publishers right now).

Re: Internet Marketing: Living back in Australia now & writing (when not surfing), it's the work-from-home factor that appeals to me. Having spent the past weeks on the web researching the business, the more I searched for a way in the more confused I became.. then, a few days ago, I tripped across WA & got my first glimpse of the light at the end of the IM tunnel.

I'll admit I know sweet FA about this IM business (& am going to need all the help I can get), but as of today, I am committed to making a substantial income using WA as my guide (gotta keep writing & surfing). That's it for now - cheers to one & all, Philip (TAoS 9)