Posts by Teacher 3
February 17, 2010
well since my wife has got so much going on ...i guess i have to take WA over from her. but i'll still leave her pic up give my something to work for...Everybody welcome and thnx in advance for the help that i'm so gonna need   Jarvis (teachers husband)
December 04, 2009
I know I know I am trying to start again. But atleast I have no quit yet. I will start methodically and little by little. I figured if I could achieve a Bacholor of Science in Biology in a language that is my third language I can atleast figure out how all of this works. So here I go again. lol.
October 21, 2009
Well here I am again giving it another go. So hard to do when you have a 11 month old and so so much do to. Church meetings, women club, birthday party to organise. But I will have to find the time. Just sat down to work and don't you know it my daughter woke up and needs to be fed her lunch.