From 2,600 to 85 in One Day?!?

Last Update: March 30, 2010

In the last couple days I've fixed some bugs, updated my website, joined Commission Junction, applied as an Affiliate to, posted a new article on Vacation Rentals on my site, posted some questions in the Site Rubix forum, and posted a resource on ways to unblock writer's block (among other things).

In the course of doing all that, my "Member Rank" shot up from somewhere around 2,600 to 85 as of this writing.  Look out Kyle & Carson! (lol)

Seriously,  I have no idea what member rank really means, but it's always nice to get some kind of attention, right?

For those who've been following this blog, you'll remember I like to recognize those who've helped me get from one point to the next. 

 The latest ToK Award for Consistent Quality Content goes to DkWinter for his Site Rubix Domination tutorials and  responsiveness on those related forums. 

Keep up the good work!  --ToK


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