Day 4

Last Update: March 21, 2011

 I am determined to keep myself highly motivated even to make this happen WA family Day 4 assignment is accomplished and now time for some additional studying. The lesson make sense to me with a only a little re-reading and that is slighty surprising to me @ this point. I am headed to Chicago for a week or two and this is going to be a test to stay focused around family and friends. Just wanted to say hello, plus i am bored on the train 22 hours is a long time lol

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terrell ray Premium
hahahaha thats funny you are second person who called it "romantic" i never looked at it like that lol It was a "party train" the bartender said he never saw anything like it before, only 5 hours into the ride and he was out of vodka lol Well hey maybe it was romantic at that moment! lol At least i stayed focused and finished my assignment ;) thanks for checking in on me buddy!
DanielaW Premium
wow, 22 hours on a train..that's a lonnnnggg time. Although I'd give anything to travel by train. Sounds so romantic. Congrats on finishing day 4. I'm finished with day 4 also. I had trouble with day 2. For some reason I can't get logged into my new email that I had to set up. I hope I hear from Kyle soon to help me. I keep getting an err message. Well, have a great trip and be safe.
