Why I Hate Autoblogs
Wow I've been prolific recently! I hope you've been enjoying the blogs and training I've been putting up so far, and boosting up your SERPs with Social Monkee. Appreciate the 7 of you that have so kindly signed up through my affiliate link, and just to clarify, you don't need to actually BUY Social Monkee's premium membership, just refer it on to your friends like I have been doing and you can get the premium membership for free.
This started out as a comment in the previous post, and I realized I have so much to say about this a comment just wouldn't have done it justice. We've seen the rise and rise of autoblogs in the last few months, and it just amazes me how the promoters of autoblogging systems can spin and blow hot air around the fact that THEY'RE TELLING YOU TO STEAL SOMEONE ELSES CONTENT!
There, I've said it. The emperor is naked. Deal with it. Autoblogs are not providing value by way of one or two backlinks to their site. Autoblogs are not creating some kind of elaborate network of content distribution that really benefits anyone. Google HATES autoblogs because it creates duplicate content. So guess what? Google is going to penalize the autoblogs AND penalize the original article as well. Isn't it obvious that autoblogs seriously devalue the efforts of the original author of the content?
I'm not saying all this to slap you in the face if you're an autoblog user. The simple fact is: YOU HAVE BEEN DECEIVED. It's not OK to pull someone else's content off their RSS feed and slap it on your own blog without their permission. It's not creative commons content, nor does it say anywhere on the internet that you can do that. In fact, the DMCA explicitly prohibits it. And your site won't benefit a great deal in the long run, because there are many, MANY other autoblog users out there who will pull the same content, and in the end, everyone's just going to get penalized and/or delisted and everybody loses.
Except for the autoblog site sellers and the autoblog plugin promoters. They're going to be laughing all the way to the bank.
All the negativity aside, I still believe firmly in one thing:
There's never been a better time to publish original, quality content that connects to a real person in a real way. That's the only way that you're going to build a lasting business, and income, online.