So here I am, let's do this!

Last Update: December 03, 2009
I chose to become a member here not foremost to learn about new media marketing (as I like to call it) but to give myself a platform, a virtual office.

I hope to meet others with similar interests to find support in and to support. Also I will benefit tremendously from having a structure given to me, a path to follow. And of course even though I now something about this I have a lot to learn, everyone does, always. But that wasn't the most important thing for me.

 I have decided to give this venture 4 times 3 month, so these are my milestones.

Milestone 1, 2010-02-28

Assessment finished, real money coming in, proof that this could function as my bread and butter.

Milestone 2, 2010-05-30

Equivalent to 3000 EURO coming in on a monthly basis as a steady flow.

Milestone 3, 2010-08-31

Equivalent to 6000 EURO coming in on a monthly basis as a steady flow.

Milestone 4, 2010-11-30

Being able to sum up a total of at least 50 000 EUROS and having a steady flow every month of somewhere between 5-6000 EUROS

I would love to hear from someone if they think this is reasonable, fantasies or any other comment. Also I'm eager to get tips on how to reach these goals of course.




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