Finished the 30 day WA Article Marketing

Last Update: October 24, 2010

Although I have one or two more tasks to do, I can say I successfully completed the article marketing course that Marcus ran.

  • I learned a lot about the structure of daily tasks 
  • I know the routine you are supposed to do
  • I get how they have you set up a web page
  • I still hate social bookmarks  they are annoying
  • For some reason finding blogs to post on is easier than forums to get stupid backlinks
  • I almost have a routine down for those crazy things.
  • I have several people I can go directly to to answer techno questions

Yet I still do not know why I don't get the click through you want and people only stay on my sites between one and two minutes.

So I keep plugging away !!!

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Carrie Premium
Congratulations on making it this far. I'm throwing my hat into the ring and following the 30-day club, too. I definitely need to develop some discipline.
Miguelito203 Premium
I have a blog and have noticed for looking at my Google analytics stats that a person doesn't have to stay on your page long in order for me to make a sale--perhaps 30 seconds or less. You are having conversion problems. Perhaps you don't connect with your reader enough for them to be able to trust you. It could be that your copy is too long. I tend to stay around 400 or 450 words. I had to learn how to convey the same idea with fewer words. People have short attention spans. You also need to make sure you are targeting keywords at the end of the buying cycle (product-related ones work the best). Also, make sure the product is relevant to the problem the reader is trying to solve. Although the time between that which I start promoting a product and making a sale varies, I know that if I am not at least getting CT's that I need to tweak something. These are just some things to think about.

Skybound Premium
Hi Sue - After coming close to cancelling my sub this month, I have jumped on board this same club. Hopefully, it will help me get the focus and discipline I need to start doing this properly!
jimmywrex Premium
A video on the site will help keep people there. You can use camstudio which is free and also make a presentation using open office free software too. Convince them your product rocks and then tell them to simply click the button in the top right of the screen. Add a button using - works a treat!