About Skybound
Joined October 2009
I'm a writer by profession, but that doesn't mean I'm a natural at IM. Far from it. But I learn fast and I guess I couldn't be in a better place. I've been reading everything in sight here and gobbling up all the amazing tips from guys who've got IM in their veins. I look forward to graduating!

A couple of people here have told me I bear a striking resemblance to Mike Rowe from the Discovery Channel. So I thought I'd put a couple of pics of the man himself on my WA space. What ya'll think? I reckon it's the cap that does it. That and the direct-to-camera stare :-)
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whitimike Premium
I love to write and enjoy blogging on my real estate forum which is what I do in NZ. I have always been interested in the internet and felt rather than waste my evenings watching TV I could go on line meet people and earn some extra money. Cheers Mike
AZ 786 Premium
Hey skybound, how on earth you got your member rank up to 399??? Not sure what that means but looks impressive nevertheless
Skybound Premium
Well, if you drop your gold in the right place... ;-) Only kidding. I have no idea. It jumped today in one move. All I was doing was posting here and making some buddy talk. I'd also already been through a load of tutorials a couple of days ago. I was curious myself why it had jumped, so I did a forum search to find out what Member Rank is and one guy said: "It's a way of ranking how active and "popular" you are on WA. The algorithm hasn't been released but it is a combination of things that we know... Post count, visitors to WA space page, amount of published resources, etc." So I guess I must've struck a few right notes. Another guy said his rank sometimes jumped around from something like #20 to 7000, so I dare say my 'skybound' rising star will plummet just as fast.
AZ 786 Premium
Skybound - great handle. Let's stay in touch. By the way, I finished writing my first book. Its with the editor right now and could have it into publishing by end of year. Very excited to learn that you are a professional writer, perhaps I can pick up some tips from you.
AZ 786 Premium
Its actually a book on my journey through the financial and corporate culture. The premise & irony: Consolidations and fragmentation underwritten by technological platforms and Wall Street and sequelching vitality and drive from the system right here smack in the middle of the free world.
AZ 786 Premium
Yes, that seems like a low-hanging-fruit option. I am looking into mortgage and stock trading products as options. Forex is a hot clickbank item in rankings but not sure if I can get excited enough about that.

How is your progress going? Found anything worthwhile yet?
Skybound Premium
Congrats on completing the book. That's great. May I ask what kind of book it is? I'm working on a crime novel, but I've been an offline copywriter for most of my working life. Online is different but the basics are the same. You gotta hook people in and keep them reading by giving them a reward for their effort. Any time you want to bounce a draft off me, feel free.
Skybound Premium
Well, should be popular with all the current financial meltdown. I wish you every success with it. I trust you're going to be looking to write articles about the financial world in your IM career?
Skybound Premium
Sounds sensible. Always good to start with a subject you're familiar with. Often we don't realize how much we know about something until we find out how little others know about it.
Yeah, i think I've settled on my niche to start with - it's in the area of positive psychology and sound mental health.
JFC76 Premium
Hi Skybound, thanks for your welcome. Look forward to graduating with you! :)
TJ Books Premium
Welcome! John
Skybound Premium
Thanks John. I'm impressed with this place already and I've only been here a day.