About ThomasJones
Joined May 2008
My name is Thomas Jones and I am known as Jon Claude online I am from London. I am a web entrepreneur that lives in France. From a young age I have always been money focused.
I has been my only goal to become very wealthy and, I will achieve that goal in the amazing
Place that we call the Internet. I have several blog from different niche market.
I make a couple thousands in affiliate sales, and I want to learn more strategies to success in this business.
ThomasJones's Accomplishments

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grizman Premium
Hi Thomas. Thanks for the warm welcome. Good luck with your goals.
Keep in touch.

louielynn Premium
Hi Thomas!
Thanks for the welcome! My photo is from Hearst Castle in San Simeon, CA.
There's so much information here and everywhere. Where do you start? What have you been able to do because of WA? I suppose the start is the best place to begin!
Perhaps I'll see you around!

Louie Lynn =)
ThomasJones Premium
Okay great !
It was difficult when I started because I fell missing the big picture. The reason is overload of information. It ake me 5 years to find it. Now I fine my business running great. I start by a blog.
Grin47 Premium
Hello Thomas, Computers ten years ago were a different breed than they are now. Heck, not many people had laptops then. Thanks for stopping by to say welcome. I would like to repay you. I went to your blog and read "Need WPReview Sites". Would you like me to offer a re-write with spelling and grammar fixes? It is a short article and I could just send a quick pdf, .doc, or plain text to your personal email. I see that your are from London and living in France, so the translation may be what you want and perhaps not. Let me know and thanks for saying hello.
ThomasJones Premium
Yes we always have problem with grammar but send your odf I will see.
TWD Premium
Hi Thomas, I got a message saying you had posted something on my WA Space but only found the one from manifest :-(

I'd take Grin47 up on his offer if I were you ;-)
TWD Premium
Ah, now I have a message from you! The only link listed in My Sites that would pay me anything is Project Payday. They pay $1.50 for anyone who actually gives them an e-mail address using your referral link. It's a pretty interesting program, actually. I described it in my profile if you'd like to know more...
ThomasJones Premium
I saw you have a lot of sites do you make any money from them? Did you make it by yourself?
Jane Doe Premium
Hi ThomasJones aka Jon Claude. You got some great sites. Welcome to WA. Great success and wealth to you.
ThomasJones Premium
Thanks for your kind message. I try but it is very long way to be look a professional site but actually I do have more than 30 sites next time I will show you around.
Take care.