I am back!!!

Last Update: October 11, 2011

Not completely sure what my blog space is to be used for but here's my update....

I am an EXTREMELY positive person; healthy mind and spirit, determined, educated.........ALL of this helped me get through the extreme hardships the past six months but was not enough to stop the forward motion of what I call... bad "juju".  Everything that could possibly come out of the woodwork, DID.  It began this past April 2011 and here we are in October (October 11, 2011) and I woke, today, finally feeling like I could exhale.  A sense of calmness and that things are going to get back on track, as they were.  Since April 2011, so many very, very bad things occurred in my life consuming my EVERY waking moment leaving me exhausted, overwhelmed...physically and mentally.  I needed an army to handle all that happened; except I do not own an army nor the funds to purchase one...lol...lol.  Crazy thing, none of these events occurred as a result of something that I did.  I am a super responsible person taking "full" accountability for ALL my actions.  With all these events I had to put my online business ventures on hold, have not attended a WAbinar (love them!! never missed one..was frustrating to miss them), had to put my online college education on hold and social life, as well. 

Sooooooooooooooooo...now I am back!!  Ready to pick up where I left off!!  Am excited and feel very empowered again!!

Looking forward to re-connecting with my WA Community!

Hope you ALL are well, prosperous and healthy!!





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Wayne Hudler Premium
Sounds like you've been through the worst and now you're past all that and back on course (pun intended)!!!