Posts by TJ Books 34
August 18, 2012
Adios, Amigos!This is to inform my friends at Wealthy Affiliate University that I will no longer be active. After over four (4) years here, I will no longer be writing tutorials, blogs and chatting. I will be coming to the site to service my websites.My son has instructions not to close my membership until I die.I will be answering PMs as I will check the forum when I'm on the site.Kyle, Carson, Jay, Dean, Meredith, Renne, Beverly, George, Wayne and so many others of you have been kind and h
August 12, 2012
It seems that I'm attracted by the Chat Magnet. This morning I sent the following greeting:Hello, My friendsWho mingle here,And you across the seas.Good tidings fromPotato Land whereNiches grow on trees.It fascinates me when Dean is there from Finland and a few others from overseas. What is more interesting is to watch Members Helping Members.It turns out that we "helpers" know all the answers but we don't always understand the questions. That is when Kyle or Carson comes in and blows ar
The more I use Kyle's alphabet soup with JAAXY, the more I like that method. Read it at Google Suggest brings up keywords from their data base, take heed. These are the keywords being used by searchers. You old guys know that, but I'm talking to our general population some who just got here in the last few days. I always try to greet new members if I can find them and give them a hand on CHAT.
I used the ABC keyword method yesterday for the first time. I was using to get a bunch of words almost instantly that might guide me on a keyword search. But it was not helping all that much. Then I read the ABC keyword method that the magnificent Kyle wrote and I could see the POWER of the method. Using Google's pick of keywords, real keywords, not guesses, to prime the JAAXY keyword well.I had put up a website that Jay suggested, a single product site instead of one of my "
August 01, 2012
Last evening a young women came over the the house seeking help with the math she needs to learn to get her GED. I soon learned it was not what I would call math after suffering for years in math courses at the University of Utah. It was more like the stuff we learned in fifth grade. She had some fractions she was dealing with and rather than concentrating on the actual problems, I concentrated on her thinking. I soon had her head on straight fraction wise and she easily solved the problems.My s
Today I put up three articles on business plans for affiliate marketers. Do you think you need a business plan? Most affiliate marketers don’t. But if affiliate marketing is a business, which it is, then you should consider preparing an business plan. This goes for old and new business plans. I’m sure that Kyle and Carson have a business plan for their businesses. They are business men.When I was running R & D and some engineering for a Fortune 500 Company, we were always forming and
I read this article about WordPress Plugins and decided to share it with my friends at WAU. Enjoy! are the best and most used plugins. John
The Parable of the Sower and Wealthy AffiliateJesus told a story about a sower of seeds and then he explained it thus.18 ¶ Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower.19 When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the wayside.20 But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it;2
July 13, 2012
I was trying to help a 10-Day-er last evening along with another member. The new person was in the act of using Build Website.At first I though he was just having a problem with the protocol for adding the domain, so then he said that my fix had worked. Next he (or she) said that his site did not come up. We asked if he had pointed his domain to our server. It turned out he had no domain. He evidently thought that you just type in a name for a domain and up would come your site.So then we told h
I read on a forum about a tricky way to get traffic. Some folks must be desperate.Here is the method: You put a link to a site on your site and give it a click. Then you remove the link.So far, so bad.Now when the second site owner looks at the sites that have linked to his or her site using Google Analytics or such, he wants to know what the site linking to him is like. So he takes a look.Now he can't find his link on the original site because it is gone. But he does give the original site