
Last Update: June 12, 2010

A little over a month now that I've been a member at WA.  What have I learned?  Too much to write in a little blog, that's for sure!  This truly is a 'university' setting!  It's a 'liberal arts' education for IM and AM.  Just about ready for that first sale though.  Sorry. . . rephrase. . . READY for that first sale!  This is where the patience begins to wear thin.  Being a coach, I'm sort of competitive AND I expect results immediately!  So maybe that is what I need to be learning right now is patience.  I'm patient with others, just not myself.  That's how I've been so successful as a coach, which is to out-work others and drive towards success.  I guess this is slightly different. . . Blessings to all in here at WA.

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