Posts by Tmarchido 3
June 10, 2011
Just finished 30-in-30! For me, it was a challenge. Now, I get full access to the guide, right? 
October 23, 2010
I've been kicking myself lately for my lackluster performance within WA. What I mean is, working the nutty hours I work just completely burned me out to the point that all I wanted to do when I got home was just eat, and go to bed! BUT, no more. The hours haven't changed, but my attitude has! I've decided that yes, if it's going to be, it's up to me. The inspiration I receive from the people just like you within WA have taught me to stop whining do something!  Thanks to all!  Had to g
October 20, 2010
Whew! 30 days in the Article Marketing Club! Awesome! Yeah, I mean that wholeheartedly. I have to say that even though I had a working knowledge of most of the topics covered, I DID NOT have a grasp on the order to do each step, nor did I, on my own, ever come close to the intensity of rapidly building my business until I was involved in "The Club." Kudos to Marcus. Great Job!  Now, I am confident that the time I'm spending, err, investing, in my business is going to pay dividend