About Tom Johns
Joined September 2008
Hello Wealthy Affiliates,
My name is Tom. I live in Hernando City, Florida. It%u2019s just a speck on the map (but it is a nice speck).
I brokered mortgages for a number or years, and got out just as the real estate market slowed down. Now while my former co-workers volunteer as realtors and loan officers I market on the internet.
IM is great because my time is much more my own. I work when and where I want, and do not have to deal with clients, underwriters, appraisers, ect.
While I am not a superstar yet, I WILL be (remember, you read it here first!)
Currently, I am doing article marketing and posting to forums. I%u2019m gaining momentum, getting opt-ins, and grabbing the occasional sale. The posts in the General Success Forum are inspiring. I will be posting mine no matter how incremental as I celebrate success!
By the way, the white parrot on my shoulder is Rocky. He%u2019s a nice guy and a very clever bird. The green one is Gracie. She belongs to my wife, Cindy. Gracie can be a Bit*h!
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Stellar Premium
Hey there Tom, nice photo! Love the bird. Sending you lots of luck and blessings with your internet marketing endeavors...enjoy sunny Florida me : ) Peace, Sandra.
Stellar Premium
Hi TJ, I love birds...they really are amazing, funny and clever (even if they're not parrots! lol). It's funny...I think that about all animals in general. But birds are just so much fun to watch. What film school is your daughter going to? I went to The School of the Art Institute in Chicago, and the Academy of Art University in San Francisco...quite an expensive track of study! At least she'll have you to thank with your truckloads of internet sales : ) Cheers, Sandra.
Tom Johns Premium
Hi stellar,
Yeah... Rocky is a good parrot; clever too.
I see you're involved in the film industry. My daughter is interested in a film studies major when she starts college in a few months. It sounds like an exciting career.
Clive Byron Premium
Hi Tom,
Welcome to WA. That's a fine looking bird you've got there.
Clive Byron Premium
Hi Tom,
Rocky rocks! Good luck on WA. I've put you on my Buddy list and I'll drop you a line now and again to see how you're getting along.
Clive Byron Premium
Hi Tom,
You made me laugh - thrice times! You really have been reading my posts in the forum. Thank you very much for the heads up on Bum Marketing - I really appreciate it. Hope you and Rocky have a great day.
Clive Byron Premium
Hey Tom,
How you doing? I love all the confidence on the Profile. I'm up for starting with Article Marketing, but I'm not out of the traps yet. I'll keep you posted as and when. I did write an article yesterday, that I'm going to post on Associated Content once I've got the SEO right. I didn't realise I had to do that!!! Some kind lady on the site gave me some advice. Keep up the good work, and I'll see you on the stage of fame!
Clive Byron Premium
Hey Tom,
I just want to thank you again for all your recent advice - please accept some gold in gratitude. I hope you get some real gold soon too.
Tom Johns Premium
Hi Clive,
Thanks... Rocky (the bird) is a good guy.
Welcome to WA. You've been on board for only a few days more then me. Good luck with everything!
NLP? I'm no master... Just have a novices interest.
Tom Johns Premium
Thank you Clive,
BTW, I don't know if you're interested, but I put some ideas about Article Marketing. I started a thread in the forun at https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=36219
I will be interested in your comments!
Tom Johns Premium
Hi Clive,
I haven't heard from you for a while. How is the IM going?
Tom Johns Premium
Happy to help Clive. Thank You for the Gold!
TJ Books Premium
Thanks, TJ. I love our cockatoo. My son had a cockatiel and went to Peru for a couple of years. The bird knew a zillion songs but went dead silent when my son left. When my son came home, the bird heard his voice upstairs and sang all of the song to him when he came down to see the criter. Yes, I missed the boat on article writing. But now I am finally getting URL hits. So, we are both glad. John
Tom Johns Premium
Hey my fellow Wealthy Affiliates...

Thanks for stopping by my WA Space. I'm just chillin' here in sunny Florida. You know; expanding my Internet Empire and havin' fun (After all... Isn't fun the best thing to have?)

I'm always looking for new friends to brainstorm with and come up with killer ideas. Got one? Do Tell!
Tom Johns Premium
Hey, I've been doing some article marketing on Ezine Articles, and Goarticles. I made my second sale in two days. This is a personal best for me!
Tom Johns Premium
Hey Buddies,
It%u2019s Sunday, and it%u2019s killing%u2019 me to take the day off. Yesterday I wrote and uploaded two articles and did up a little auto-responder content for next week. Then it was off to Pasco County for a little family reunion. It was actually a very good time.
So today, no work. The Bible commands us to take a day off. We trust God with our lives%u2026 Trust him with a day of our time too. God wants us to be well rested. Very cool, just not always easy.
So today; slept in a bit, church this morning then out to lunch with the family. This afternoon Cindy (my wife) and I are going to this jazz concert. We%u2019ve ordered the kids to cook our dinner tonight, and then tonight we%u2019ll meet with some friends for a couple of hours. Then I%u2019m gonna read for a while and goto ZZZZZ.
It%u2019s gonna be a rich full day without and IM.
Enjoy a day of rest!
Tom Johns Premium
Hi Clive,

Very Cool. I%u2019ll be looking forward to hearing from you.

I was studying in the forum and read a couple of your posts. I like your idea of welcoming one new member every day. I am going to do the same.

Also, you asked if Bum Marketing was a good way to get started. Yes, Yes and Thrice YES! It%u2019s the perfect strategy for a beginner, in fact I use it every day. You can have your page ranked in the top 10 on Google in about 2 weeks if you do it right.

One advantage WA members have over other Bums, is the KW research tool. You can put together an awesome KW list in about 15 minutes with no guesswork!

See ya,
Tom Johns Premium
Hey Wealthy Affiliates,
Today begins week 2 of my 8 week success plan. There are some new things for me liks squidoo, and opening an Adwords account. I can do it.
Also this week I will be tweeking one of my sites. I have been getting good views on my artices, but my opt-in rate is not high enough for my likeing. So I will make it better. When I make my improvements I will ask you WAs for feedback.
Enjoy your day!
Tom Johns Premium
This is a complete waste of time, but it is fun. Go to http://mazzanet.id.au/ball.php My daughter sent me this link to a stupid game. Check it when you want to distract yourself but don't feel like playing solitare.
Tom Johns Premium
Oh Yeah!
Another great week in the exciting world of IM. It is going to be a good one.
Hey, do I smell MONEY!
Maz Premium
Hi Tom
Just stopped by to say hello and good luck with everything. Glad to see you put your photo up, nice lookin bird!
Best wishes
Maz Premium
Hi Tom
Re Squidoo. You have to be a member of squidoo to rate a lens. Anyway at the top the the page there are stars and you just click on the number of stars you want to rate it. In some lens there is a guestbook where you can leave a comment, you have to scroll down the page to find it. You also get publicity for your own lens that way (if you have made one). If you not a member of squidoo yet, dont worry about rating mine etc, the kind thought was there and that is enough.
Maz Premium
Hi Tom
Thanks so much for rating my lenses. I know they are a bit short but I'm still tweaking and learning. I look forward to rating your lens too! I love the new parrot pic! Im not much on indoor birds but my garden where I live is full of wild birds which is lovely, especially as I used to live in London before (concrete jungle lol).
Best wishes
Tom Johns Premium
Hi Maz,
Thanks for the tip in the forum. I put my blog up per your recommendation. It%u2019s nice in here--Good people. Hey, maybe I%u2019m not as anti-social as I thought.

Well, thanks for visiting my page. Please don%u2019t be a stranger%u2026 Stop by anytime!


PS: In your forum sig, you ask me to rate your Squidoo lens. I visited it (very nice) but don%u2019t know how to review. Is there a tab to click or something. Send me the 411, and Ill give you a good review.
Tom Johns Premium
Hey Maz,
I say the request in your sig box in the forum to review your Squidoo lens. You may not remember, but a couple of weeks ago, I wrote and asked you how to rate a lens. You explained that you have to sign up with Squidoo to leave blurbs. Well I finally signed up last PM, and rated your lens. I'll be creating my first lens today!
Just wanted t say that your lens is really good. It is shorter then many which is cool. I'm not inundated with articles. Plus it loads quicker then many. Very Nice!
Tom Johns Premium
Hi Maz,
Thank you for the gold you sent the other day - You are the greatest. Hey, I got a couple of lenses up (finally). When you%u2019ve got a moment, I%u2019d appreciate you stopping by and letting me know what you think.
Squidoo is incredible. We can create real nice looking pages in no time.
You%u2019ve been busy I see. I toured all your sites. Very professional. If I may ask, what are you doing to drive traffic?
See Ya!