About Tomyboy
Joined August 2008
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tomyboy Premium
Hello everyone,

My name is Tom, but all my friends call me "tomyboy".
I am currently happily married with 5 beautiful girls. My current occupation in a manager of a local landscaping supply company. I have recently change careers. I have been a journeyman heavy equipment operator for the last 12 years. I have been dabbling online trying to find my niche in making some extra money for a couple of years now with no-luck yet. I praying this place can help me give that better life to my family I've been searching for for so long.
Ghost Premium
Tomyboy! Welcome aboard and its great to have you here bro. If you work smart, not hard, and never forget that we are in this business to HELP people and provide VALUE... then you will succeed no matter what.
About your squidoos.. congrats! but I gotta say.. I never cross fingers :) I don't take chances and I don't do luck.. and neither should you :) Understand that not everything is going to work 100% of the time.. but that's experience and it's priceless. Also.. don't take chances. if you commit to see it through you will NEVER fail.

stick with it. don't give up. never get down.. and always try to improve what you got out there.. and you will be successful.

Take care Tom and I wish ya the best!
tomyboy Premium
Hey Ghost, Thanks for the encouragement. And your right who needs luck when we have dedication to make it work. I sure could use any advice you have to give me though. I am as "nuby" as they come. Thanks for your post welcoming me as well. Take Care, Tomyboy