Day 2-Squidoo!

Last Update: January 31, 2010

So, after voraciously devouring all of PotPieGirl's intro videos and instructions not to mention her 1000th post in the forum as well as wondering what my starting point should be, I'm taking the Squidoo step.

It's a little like the chicken and the egg conundrum in knowing what comes first but I really liked PPG's approach of finding what interests you (and is selling), make a lens and then go in with the article/blog approach. My first affiliate product is linked in with a dietary/lifestyle choice my whole family have made this year (well, we've made for the kids anyway ;-) ) and is something I believe is actually pretty life transformative and amazing. I totally believe in its worth so was happy to find a product looking for affiliates within that niche. 

In some way that also fits with my own ethos towards the whole IM thing. I'm just not a BS/scam artist who is just out for their own. I am only prepared to market things I believe in and I'm not prepared to compromise my own integrity.  Being ethical in what I say and what I do is important to me and I'd hazard a guess that educated buyers in an increasingly aware consumer world would think the same. Not sure about everyone else but sometimes when I surf the net and come across affiliate pages and sales pages I just shake my head and think 'they're having a laugh AND being condescending at the same time-obviously they think buyers are idiots', I really hate that. Anyway, bottom line is I reckon if you don't believe in what you are selling as well as respect the consumer for their choice in coming to your page there's something least I know that's how I feel as a consumer!

Off to write lenses for my keywords now while once more raising my hands in gratitude to PPG for her fabulous tutorials and common sense approach.

Have a good day all!


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