A Different Kind Of Success

Last Update: February 16, 2010

Hey guys I've bin signed up a month now and had nothing to show for my efforts before christmas. I have WA and all the great members here to thank for what I call my first success.

I've never being confident with article marketing but I needed to take action, or I felt I was going to give up. I've always bin crap at English, grammar, literature etc etc but I didn't let this defeat me I told myself if I keep trying I'll get there. Any how your probably all expecting my first sale snapshot, but I havn't made a dime ...... yet!

On Friday I submitted an article to Ezine, just to take action really. I was expecting to get an email telling me the article was crap. Anyway today I got an email telling me it's approved live, They've put me under expert status (don't know if everyone gets this?) and will be in there high traffic home page and RSS feed

I now have a lens which is live in google (don't know where it's ranked) and articles in ezine and goarticles. It's socially marked in several bookmarking sites. All this seemed impossible up until 2 weeks ago and I never thought I could write an article never mind being accepted by ezine first time round. 

To me this is a massive achievement and hope this an inspiration to other 'newbies' out there. To some of you this might be a five minute job what I've achieved in a week. But as a father of two kids and full time tree surgeon this isn't a bad effort. So again THANKS to all my buddies and to the article training from several WA members!

PS I checked just now and for my keyword I am ranked 5th in google! I don't know how I've done it but persistence is finally paying off! 

Thanks for reading


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frankid23 Premium
That's great Jamie!

Congrats...I haven't attempted an article yet; but very much looking forward to feeling the way you do now :-) Keep it up!