About Trish2009
Joined April 2009
Hello, My name is Trish. I am a 31 year old single mom, you can see my wonderful son Alex in the photo. He is 10 years old.

I was laid off from my job last May and started selling on Ebay to make ends meet. I was very excited about Ebay initially because for the first time ever, I was making my own money. I am not, however, making the money that I know I have the potential to make here online. This past year, I've been just getting by. It has been rough.

I started researching information on affiliate internet marketing about 4 months ago. I knew absolutely nothing about it before then. Now, although I just know the very basics, I understand enough to know that it is definitely possible to become financially secure within this industry.

I don't just want an extra $500 per month. My goal here is definitely to become financially secure. I have a short term goal as well....to make enough money within the next 3 months to quit selling on ebay.

Many people think that I'm crazy for wanting to do this. Family and friends are concerned. I stopped talking to people about my goals within this industry because I already made my choice. I no longer want to be discouraged by negative comments.

It is so great to have a place where I can network with people who understand the power of this industry. Right now, this is my only means of support.

I'm looking forward to this journey.

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Shortazz Premium
Hi Trish
I too was an Ebay seller but like you I was also looking for something with more substance from my internet income experience. I know exactly what you went through by making the decision to distance yourself from negative thinkers. I know that your journey will much better now that you are among like-mined individuals.
Trish2009 Premium
Yes, I know that this journey will be much better since I have support here. Thanks for the encouragement. All the best to you as well!
alston Premium
hello trish,
i know what you're going thru with the negativity from people who don't understand the potential. hey ... keep your dreams and your focus and you'll make. see you at the top!
Trish2009 Premium
Thanks so much alston! It feels so great to be able to network with like minds!
granitehead Premium
You go girl, you got the right attitude! People do like to laugh, just take it step by step.
Trish2009 Premium
Thank you for your post. Yes I will take things one step at a time. Nice photo!
Pillar Premium
Good on yah Trish... Welcome to WA. I love it here... Love and light... Gary
Trish2009 Premium
Hello :) Thanks so much for the welcome!!
buta2008 Premium
Hi Trish. Welcome to WA. Drop me a line if you need any help. All the best.
Trish2009 Premium
Thanks so much for the welcome and encouragement! Beautiful daughter!