Here to tell the World

Last Update: February 03, 2010

Ok, So I wanted to tell the world. I have been working on this for a long time. November (I know short time) but it has felt like a long time. I came across the word Affiliate on the bottom of a website. We all know were this is headed. I started researching Affiliate marketing and thought hey I can do this. Boy was I in for a suprise. It wasn't as easy as it looks.

 I am here today to tell you  I have got my first big sell. Yes I have a few smalls one one or two. I had one sale that paid 125.00 today and that was a great achievement for me . I was about to give up because I have a hard time writing Articles as you can tell my writing sucks. So if I can get sales anyone can. I have decided this year is the year. I have also decided to promote WA more as it is a blessing. I would not have learned what I have by myself.

 So I wanted to say Thanks to all of you that are here to help!!!!!! I think you guys are the one that keep this site afloat

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