Anger Management
To all Newbies!!! I know you feel like your mind is about to
explode. All of this information is at your finger tips and you are
trying to absorb it all, instead it has started to melt your marbles. I
know because......"been there, done that!" Do not get frustrated, do
not get angry. Stay focused and use one or more of these anger
management techniques. You will feel better, I promise.
Breath!!! Have a cocktail. Call your credit card company and yell at them for while. Sing...."I feel pretty" 9 times. Call your computer some names. Go out side and stomp on your neighbor's tulips.
Anyway, on with the story, I suggest maybe he get up and see if it is a loose connection "again" on the back of our TV. In the mean time I put the batteries back into the remote and inform my husband that he must have done something to the remote because it works perfectly fine for me as I start changing channels. He then starts to swear again. (by the way our TV has been "Blessed" several times and has been told it is getting chucked off of our deck) See! I told you that you feel better! Now, start over! You can learn so much and WA. You will start to put everything together in no time.