Slowly, but Surely. It is Possible!

Last Update: February 19, 2011

I just started hardcore trying to make some money online by promoting a popular product about a month or so ago (maybe a dumb move picking a popular product, but we'll see.)  I've been doing free SEO techniques (pretty much backlinking, backlinking, backlinking) by either article submissions or social bookmark sites.  Anyway, my website is finally on the 1st page of google about number 6 or 7 I think for my main keyword phrase and thats a huge accomplishment for me in itself.  No sales yet and still not many visitors yet, but I'm still hammering/working on it and hope to see some sales soon.  I chose a pretty popular competitive product which was probably a mistake to start out with, but they way I look at it is, if I can get a website promoting a popular/competitive product on the 1st page of google, then the micro niches are going to be a breeze!

The main accomplishment for me in all this is just to see that it is POSSIBLE to get on that 1st page and so it has to be possible to make some sales so this really boosted my confidence.  That's been my whole problem from the beginning.........just believing.  I'm starting to believe.  Big shout out to magistudios webinars for helping me believe and take action.  I'm a firm believer you can read and study too much if it is preventing you from taking action.  I read about internet marketing for over a year before I finally took the plunge. Don't do THAT!!! Pick a route and go with it!  If it don't work..pick another and go with that!  I read about so much.......CRAP!!!  It basically held me back and had me confused and I didn't know which way to turn or where to start because my brain was suffering from information overload.

 Feel free to leave comments about my site good or bad.  I'm open to learn and fix things along the way. Site below

Flip HD Camera 

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urn357 Premium
Yeah, I built the site pretty much based on Jay's way, just added more. Heck, that's the only way I know how to build one at this point. I like simple, easy, and clean looking interface. You guys having success?
Labman_1 Premium
It is possible, and stop calling me shirley.
muskyblood Premium
I think your site looks great! Jay builds sites just like this one and seems to do well with them. I bet if you improve your ranking a bit more you will start making sales there. Either way, congrats on taking serious action!
urn357 Premium
Thank you Jamie. How are things with you?
Jamie Smith Premium
Jay ROCKS. Congrats on all your hard work and success!