Posts by Veristis 3
As promised, here is part 2 of my personal experience with the “Making Money With Wordpress” tutorial.  This tutorial is lodged in lesson 2 of the WAAP. It was a bit challenging to get myself to keep writing about lesson 2, since lesson 3 unlocked for me last night!  Before I work through the new module, I’m going to have to wade through the “getting started” section of the official Wordpress codex.  Eventually I have to be sure to learn the basics of the open source GI
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Embedded in lesson two of the WAAP, there’s a link to the “Make Money With WordPress” tutorial.  This module is required reading for everyone working through the WAAP, so it seems appropriate to take a few posts and try to summarize it, and note the parts that give me difficulty or raise new questions. Here we go: *Internet marketing in 2011 requires a well built website.  You need to have content that is relevant to the search words you’re targeting. For SEO reasons, one m
Late last night I finished lesson 2 in the "Wealthy Affiliate Action Plan."  I really enjoyed the experience, and the introduction to the course eased a lot of my concerns about the size and scope of what WA offers.   It was great going through the first two sections of the WAAP, and I'm psyched to move on to lesson 3 when the time lock lifts. While reviewing what I've already learned, I had an interesting thought.  What if, as I progress through the WAAP, I recor