About Veryz
Joined February 2008
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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Marek,
I just added you to my buddy network. Also want to thank you for the help you gave me in the Forum regarding domains. Your information was brilliant and just what I was looking to hear. My sincere thanks. Joan
veryz Premium
Hi Joan, You're certainly welcome! Thanks for the add and the complement. Marek
Suzi Premium
Thanks for commenting at my blog. We may be the lone rangers.
veryz Premium
Thanks for the add and for the blog post. I think there may be more folks like us, they're just not very vocal :)
txsty30 Premium
Thanks for the add Marek you have been so helpful with the meta tag. If I can ever pay you back I will be glad to give my services
veryz Premium
Sure, no problem. Glad I was able to help!
Michael Oksa Premium
Hi Marek,

Glad to see you here in the WA Spaces. I, too, quit my job not that long ago. It is truly liberating.

You are exactly right with your point about there being only so many hours in a day. That's the cool thing about a place like WA, they help us leverage our efforts. Not that I'm telling you anything you don't already know, but it sure is a great feeling, isn't it?

All the best,
Michael Oksa
Michael Oksa Premium
Oops! I forgot to add...

Please keep us posted on your progress.
veryz Premium
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the post on my space. Glad you were also able to quit your job! I'm hoping to become a lot more active in WA in the next few months, so I'll see you in the forums and spaces. I'll be adding more info on some of my projects and links to my sites soon. Let's keep in touch.

johnmozier2 Premium
Hi Marek, Sounds like your starting here with your act already together. Wow what a head start.
Best of luck,
johnmozier2 Premium
Awsome, Thank's Marek, you are now in mine as well. I may use it to click to your space to ask for web design advise sometime down the road.
veryz Premium
Hi John,
Thanks for the post on my space! Best of luck to you too.
You're in my buddy list now.