Last Update: August 31, 2011

 Hey everyone!


I am taking a slightly more obsessively in depth approach to the whole web-site creation thing. You see, I got this grand idea to start a health & fitness website centered around the paleo diet, and decided to build that before going back and working through the 30 Day Success Club. I bought my domain name and signed up for WA a month ago almost exactly, and my site is set for a BIG HUGE AWESOME GRAND LAUNCH tomorrow! 


I am meeting with the owner of the resort I live near in an hour to discuss promoting her resort in exchange for 3-nights free as a grand opening sweepstakes prize! Fingers crossed this goes well! 


My site is looking great, and I have learned TONS about HTML, CSS, Photoshop, and Illustrator (had to design my own logo because I'm anal and the people who offered to do it for me have been MIA for like a week). I am SO proud of myself and am really shooting to HELP people through my site. I do have two separate recommended products pages at the moment: one for diet and one for lifestyle. There are a number of affiliate links on them but I do not really sell anything on my site. For example, I have a whole page dedicated to supplements and which ones are worth taking. Then, if the viewer wants, they can go to the rec. products page to see the 3 fish oils I recommend, the 3 magnesium supplements i recommend, etc.... and buy them if they wish using hoplinks. 


I am sooo excited. I should have my logo finished by tonight (I have the concept I want nailed down and in black & white with no texture in digital form so far), and will be adding 2-3 more pages to the site before launch, as I am realizing last minute that I need a page dedicated to Stress and reducing it, as well as Basic Exercise movements and Travel Workouts. 


I have been working 12-14 hours a day on this thing for a month. My fiance (just got engaged 8 days ago!!!) thinks I'm being a bit nuts about the whole thing... it's completely consumed me. But I am not just spending time on a hobby, I am trying to create a business with a brand identity, followers, and hopefully INCOME! We're so broke...


thanks for listening! I hope I can look forward to a bunch of WA members visiting my site on launch and joining the mailing list for a chance to win a super prize! 

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Labman_1 Premium
Sounds to me like you should stop obsessing and get the site up and operational. Then take the time to tweak it in to get it to your liking. Go ahead, take the plunge. A News release should get your traffic started. Then add content as you can while getting your promotions going. Make sure you check out the WAbinar on Link Wheels.