This is funny!

Last Update: January 26, 2011

Okay, so I went to the Super Affiliate program, sent out an email like they say to do. So I sent it to 5 or more friends right? One of them was a girl I work with, and she returned my email with What The F--k? 

 So I asked her today why she wrote that, and you know what she said? She started telling me that this was a pyramid scheme and stuff like that. Lol I was going to try to tell her exactly what it was, but just got a laugh from it.

 Then she said is there a fee, and I told her yeah there is a monthly fee, and she started going on about how they are going to rip you off. They just want your money and blah, blah, blah. Lol

 Anyway, I would like your thoughts on people like that and how to deal with them? I really try to avoid her because she is a very negative person. Actually, a lot of people are that I work with, but it made me want to succeed at this even more then I already did.

 Thanks for reading. Good luck to all. God bless


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jatdebeaune Premium
It's so much easier to condemn that to seek and learn. When you're looking for something of value, you have to plow through spurious things in order to find the real. WA is real. My advice is to stay away from nay sayers. Their negativity is poison. Just wait, they're going to try to be your partner pretty soon.
Funny Girl Premium
Ah, that's not a nice thing, don't let her rain on your parade, I would feel a bit sorry for her really as she won't ever see the possibilities in anything with that attitude, use it (& the other negative people) to fuel you to work harder on your campaigns and propel you faster to the happy day you get to hand your notice in!

The thing is, money is just a tool (an important one), to give you freedom of choice (not working there), but learning internet marketing is also just learning tools/systems, so use it to motivate you more, and make you more determined!
That's what I do anyway! Plus you have a really supportive group of like minded people here to keep your Spirit high too! :)