Posts by Watchutalkinbout 2
April 19, 2010
I am depressed, discouraged and dissapointed. I know it hasn't really been a month yet, but I am ready to get out of my situation. I am ready for financial freedom. I am already broke. I have to borrow money form my parents to get through this wekk and I really don't like doing that. I'd like to look in my bank account and know that I have at least a couple hundred in there. OH IT'S SO DEPRESSING. But I am not giving up. This is not a giving up post by any means. Just venting... need a pla
I am starting to get ovewhelmed. I don't know where start and where to end. I find myself going from one training to the next and just skipping around and not finishing one training before moving on to the next one. WHAT IS GOING ON!! I think I'll take a break. Anyone got some advice as to how to de-overwhelm myself, I would surely appreciate it. My head hurts, I'm going to lie down for a while. Bye