Posts by WealthandJoy 5
I have been slow to make progress.  I was feeling a little overwhelmed the past few weeks.  I am doing some new projects, so this week was very busy. I am now doing volunteer work in a local church to build the Deaf ministry and to help out in their office.  I might help with publicity for their website.  I just started on Tuesday, so I will wait a while longer for feedback from people who have been working at Sandals Church before I started this week. I am mee
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January 18, 2012
Hello fellow WA members, I continued to work on the IM business when I wasn't feeling well.  I started getting a sore throat on Saturday night.  Now I feel like I have a lung infection.  I won't be doing much with the business for the next few days.  
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Oops!  I thought I was saving a draft with the previous post. JatdeBeaune had a very helpful post about selecting keywords.  When I looked up "perfectionist" and "perfectionism," the article power (AP) was less than 8.0.  According to her, that was not good. I looked up "frustration," and that was a popular topic.  I went through the whole procedure (looking at monthly global searches, checking the AP, checking the keyword competition from the ke
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January 18, 2012
Hello, everyone.  I am keeping an eye on SOPA for the next several days.  If my blog and articles get censored by the government, I will have ZERO traffic.  I hope the government will use common sense, and pretty much leave the Internet alone. I am not in favor of government censorship of the Internet unless they have very specific rules they follow about what they consider to be bad stuff on the Web.  I just ignore the stuff I don't like, and other people can do the same. ;)
Hello everyone, I have been stuck on Day 7 for a while.  I have so many things to learn - how to use social networking to get more readers, the Make Money with Wordpress training, making sure I get credit for affiliate sales, and trying to figure out the best use of my time. I mainly do blogging and article writing.  I also go on social networking sites.  Lately, my Facebook page doesn't seem to generate very many sales.  I am getting new fans on Twitter, and I like Twitter a