About Wealthmastered
Joined August 2008
I am fifty-seven years old. During that time, I have had three carreers all based on providing service to the end user. I graduated from the University of Utah with a BS in Science and a secondary teaching degree. I taught Jr. High school for two years (science) and then the district in which I was teaching had a reduction in enrollment and I had to recertify elementary to stay in teaching. While I was doing this , I also completed my master in elementary ed. allowing me to apply for a position at Utah State University at the lab school. I started a Phd program that did not last, it actually wasn't funded so the program died. I taught in Logan for two years and decided to move back to SLC and hire on in an elementary school for a year. Met my wife while there, got married, raised two children, Melissa and Chase while starting in contract sales of tile. This evolved into becoming a contractor, which I am still today.
Utah is a great out door place and we did a lot of camping, some fishing, a little gold prospecting, hiking, golfing.
When I started contracting, this took all my time (O.C.D./obsessive Compulsive Disorder), because I have to work until it's finished. That's why I want to get started with a business I can do anywhere, to cut down on time involvement. Some how I need to get back on my motorcycle and see the country.
Anyway that's more about me than anyone needs to know, let me know what gets you up in the morning, I can always use another friend.
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wealthmastered Premium
One of the things that I have started doing recently which has helped get me focused on that which is important is to read books with a spiritual direction.
Dr. James Murphy, Depack Chopra are two that I find invaluable to set a tone for the day. So many things in the world are ego driven and this usually stops people from finding their true self and talent. By learning to understand that spirit and energy are neutral, don't care about right or wrong, good or bad, stupid or smart, I can move through the day with greater accomplishment and end with peace of mind. Less sleep and I feel better and I am excited to get started.
wealthmastered Premium
This has been a rough week, my cat of nineteen years showed signs of liver trouble,( I have had many animals over the years and you start to know what might be going on). The vet confirmed that indeed this was the problem. We took four days to try and review Jesse and get her back to health with no luck. On Friday we put her to sleep. Down to four cats from as many as seven and always a dog.