Week Three

Last Update: February 17, 2010

I'm on my third week here at wealthy affiliate and all I can really say is...WOW.

I don't think I've learned this much since college...and that was...well, quite a long time ago. (Thankfully, I don't look my age).

To recap it all:

Week 1:  Does the term "whirling dervish" mean anything to you?  I went from WA new member to clickbank junkie overnight.  After one hour of membership I was convinced I could sell a business suit  to a surfer--which is a little frightening considering dance lessons are the only thing(s) I've ever sold...in my life! 

But who really thinks that clearly the first week of WA?  After all, I was feeling a bit like Linda Carter and Mighty Mouse all rolled into one.  So I signed up for a handful of clickbank affiliate programs and off I went. Blogger blogs? Check. Articles? Check.  Squidoo lenses?  That thought terrified me.

Of course I had no earthly idea what I was doing.  To the horror of all the Italian grandmothers out there, I'll be the first to say: I was throwing pasta to the wall in the hope that something would stick.  Nothing did.

Week 2:  Who am I kidding?  I was starting to get a little frustrated.  But not because of a lack of sales.  I never expected sales to come easy.  My frustration stemmed from the fact that I was spending every second of my free time (and realize that time comes before and after a 40 hour work week) trying to promote products I didn't believe in--because I still didn't know how to find the ones I could.  No offense to anyone with a clickbank product--but there are some A-W-F-U-L ones out there.  My hat goes off to those who have the ability to seperate themselves from their product (as you will probably make a lot more money in the long term than I will)--but I wasn't built that way. 

Week 3:  I decided to take the plunge and buy OWM.  This decision came after I took a weekend off--I know!  How am I supposed to make money taking time off?  Believe it or not, taking a weekend off was THE BEST medicine for me.  It enabled me to relax about my product choices (which I'm super psyched about now), relax about making squidoo lenses (I now have 11) and come up with a long term plan.  OWM helped with that--and helped me organize things into a way that was more manageable for me.  I'm still trying to do too much too fast (I'm averaging a new campaign every two days--articles, squidoo, blogs) but it's a comfortable pace for me.  And last night I even turned off my computer before 9PM!  Thank God the pasta is starting to stick!

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marv74 Premium
Hey sounds like your really working hard! Well all it can do is payoff, it looks to me like your doing well and have a plan and a flow in place. Thats great! I'm still working on my plan and flow. Well thank you for your post i enjoyed reading it!